Zhuge Zhan, son of Prime Minister Zhuge, named Siyuan, was born in 227. At this time, Zhuge Liang was already 46 years old, so it can be said that he was born in old age. Zhuge Zhan had a strong memory and quick thinking since he was a child, and he was also proficient in calligraphy and painting. Zhuge Liang once said in a letter to his brother Zhuge Jin: Zhan is smart and cute, but if he is too early to mature, he may not be valued.
In 234, Zhuge Liang died of illness in Wuzhangyuan, and Zhuge Zhan attacked the Marquis of Wuxiang. When Zhuge Zhan was 17 years old, he married Princess Liu of the Shu Han Dynasty and was awarded the title of Captain of Cavalry. In 244, he successively served as Habayashi Lieutenant General, Shesheng Colonel, and Shizhong. In 261, he took charge of Shangshu affairs and directed state affairs together with Dong Jue, the general of the auxiliary state.
Because the Shu Han people miss Zhuge Liang very much, the Shu Han people also like Zhuge Liang's son Zhuge Zhan very much. As a result, whenever the imperial court implemented a good decree, even though Zhuge Zhan did not formulate it or did not participate in the formulation, the people of Shu were convinced that it must have been initiated by him. In fact, Zhuge Zhan is not worthy of his name, and is even just an "embroidered pillow" in name only.
In 263, Deng Ai, the general of Wei's expedition to the west, made a surprise attack on Yinping. Zhuge Zhan led his army to resist. However, due to a mistake, he did not follow Huang Chong's advice to seize the dangerous terrain, which caused Deng Ai's army to advance straight in. The Shu army was defeated, and Zhuge Zhan Retreat to Jinzhu. Deng Ai sent an envoy to deliver a message to induce him to surrender, but Zhuge Zhan killed him and led his army to fight against Deng Ai's army.
At this point, the final battle of the battle between Han and Wei: the Battle of Mianzhu broke out. As a result, Zhuge Zhan died on the battlefield. When Zhuge Zhan's son Zhuge Shang knew that the army was defeated, he also rushed into the formation and eventually died in the battle among the rebels. Mianzhu fell. The later leader Liu Chan came out and surrendered. At this point, the Kingdom of Shu was destroyed.
Before going to the battle, Zhuge Zhan once said sadly and angrily: "I have three crimes. I can't get rid of Huang Hao internally, I can't check Jiang Wei externally, and I can't protect the country when I march. How can I go back?" Stand firm to the death. Nowadays, there is Zhuge Shuangzhong Temple in Mianzhu, which shows the loyalty of Zhuge Liang's ancestors and grandsons for three generations, and their noble character of "devoting themselves to the utmost and dying for themselves".