His father Xu Xuefan was a scholar in the thirty-seventh year of Qianlong (1772). There are seven Jinshi, among whom Naiji, Naipu and Naizhao are Jinshi, and the other four Jinshi are all Jinshi, so they have the reputation of "seven Jinshi admitted to the subject". Xu Naiji, his brothers Xu Naiai, Xu Naipu, Xu Naizhao and his cousins Xu Naigeng and Xu Naian all entered imperial academy in the form of Jinshi, saying that "Five Phoenix Qi Fei entered imperial academy". At that time, the scholar calligrapher Liang once wrote a couplet, "The world has a hundred years of old residence, which is nothing more than charity; The first good thing in the world, or read "to Xu Xuefan, praise's family". In the Qing dynasty, these two events of the Xu brothers have been circulated as anecdotes in the imperial examinations.
In the Xu Shi family, the 15th Sun is a famous contemporary writer in Taiwan Province, and Levin (real name Xu) is famous for his literary name.