Zhuge Liang devoted all his life to death, and he was the representative of loyal officials and wise men in China traditional culture.
Guo Jia, whose real name is Xiao, is from Yangzhai, Yingchuan. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao was a famous counselor. Guo Jia was originally a subordinate of Yuan Shao, but later he took refuge in Cao Cao and made great contributions to Cao Cao's unification of northern China. As a strategist, offer wine and seal it as Hou. Cao Cao died when he conquered Wuwan at the age of 38. Say "Hou Zhen".
History books say that he is a wise man and a strange man in the world. Cao Cao praised him for his insight and his right-hand man.
Zhuge Liang's wisdom has never been reflected in his successive victories on the special battlefield of Viagra Rooster Carnival, but in his planning for the future of the country. Without strategic vision, it is useless for you to win every battle. Xiang Yu is the best proof. On the contrary, Guo Jia's wisdom is reflected in his vision on the battlefield. If he can't win the battle, it's no use having any vision and ambition. Therefore, these two people have never compared, the world is always filial and immortal, and the hole can't get out. It is foolish to put it in your mouth.