Wen Zhengming has very high requirements for those who ask for his paintings and calligraphy. If he thinks that the other party is not worthy of his paintings and calligraphy, then even if the other party is willing to pay a high price, Wen Zhengming will not agree to it. ask. If he thinks that the other party is worthy of owning his paintings and calligraphy, then Wen Zhengming will happily agree to his request even if the other party can only offer very ordinary things in exchange. There is a story about "Wen Zhengming refused to paint" that best reflects this characteristic of Wen Zhengming. It is reported that a very ordinary, very ordinary person asked Wen Zhengming to give him a painting and calligraphy work, but all the other person could offer in exchange was a few cakes. The price of this kind of cake is naturally relatively cheap, which is very different from the value of Wen Zhengming's calligraphy and painting. However, Wen Zhengming accepted these cakes and happily handed over one of his calligraphy and painting works to the other party. However, when a very distinguished figure, the King of Tang Dynasty, also asked to exchange his works, he refused without hesitation. The Tang king's exchange was very tempting, and it was several wats of gold, but the great talent remained unmoved and blocked the supplicant from the door. Even if he lingered in front of the door for many days, he would not be moved. Wen Zhengming failed to change his mind. It can be seen that Wen Zhengming cherishes his works very much, but he does not use secular eyes to measure the value of his works.