The northerner's personality is as distinct as her four seasons. When friends can be friends, they can be loyal to each other and drink three rounds of rhetoric; But it is also possible to have a big fight if there is a disagreement, and the six parents will deny it. Therefore, in the streets and alleys of the north, we often encounter noisy fights in public places. Southerners, on the other hand, are more reserved and gentle, which sometimes makes people feel that the lines of personality are blurred. Treat people elegantly and politely, but keep a certain distance wisely, don't make promises at will, and rarely get excited, so restaurants and streets in the south are full of peaceful scenes. If you meet a bunch of red-faced guys, it must be from the north. Even talking like this. Northerners have clear pronunciation and mellow voice. Some people call it gnashing of teeth, while southerners are soft, waxy and sweet. Some people call it fuzziness. Do things differently. Northerners tend to be passionate and impulsive, and things often fluctuate greatly, but they lack reason and resilience. Southerners hide what they don't show, but they know what they are doing, and they often finish things unconsciously, but sometimes they are too rational to be men.