At the same time, pen and ink are the traces of the painter's soul, and they are the expression of self-cultivation, character, temperament and talent, that is, "the book is like a man, and the painting is like a man." Shi Tao once said, "Murphy's upbringing is ineffective, and his pen is fatal." Cultivation is the accumulation and cultivation of knowledge, and life is the communication and dialogue with nature. The comprehensive quality of a painter determines the character and height of his pen and ink. Pen and ink are the essence of Chinese painting and the display of artistic realm.
A good landscape painting is the painter's understanding of the natural landscape spirit. It is "the nature of a foreign teacher, the source of the heart", and the landscape in the chest written with pen and ink, whose charm and artistic conception are born with pen and ink, must be a refined Mo Miao with full charm and absolute beauty.