Later, he went to Fengxiang and was made a minister. When Tang Daizong was an official, he went to the official department of Shangshu Province, and a prince and a surname named him Duke Lu, which was called Duke Yan Lu in history. In the first year of Xingyuan (784), he was sent to tell the rebel Li Xilie that he refused the thief in awe and was finally slapped to death. After he was killed, Cao's heirs and soldiers of the three armed forces cried. Posthumous title Si Tuleideng, posthumous title "in the text".
Yan Zhenqing's calligraphy is exquisite and good at it. Chu Suiliang, a beginner, studied under Zhang Xu and got his brushwork. Its regular script is dignified and majestic, and its running script is vigorous and powerful, which has created a "Yan style" regular script and has a great influence on later generations.
Together with Zhao Mengfu, Liu Gongquan and Ou Yangxun, they are also called "four masters of regular script". Together with Liu Gongquan, they are called "Yan Liu" and "Yangu". He is also good at poetry, such as You, Ji, Wu, Ji, Lu Ji and Linchuan Ji, all of which have been lost. The Song people compiled Yan Ji.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Yan Zhenqing