First of all, let me express my opinion. I do not recommend re-reading. But there is another question that art candidates need to consider, that is, have they passed the joint entrance examination? If you fail the joint entrance exam, you must retake it. Let me tell you why. First of all, art candidates gave up the whole year of their sophomore year and half of their senior year to study professional courses, which is equivalent to giving up the most important cultural class study period in the entire high school period. The second is the admission rules for art candidates, because each province is different. As the country strictly controls the direction of the art exam, the art exam is gradually no longer a way for parents with low scores to consider their children's further education. What's more, The direction of cultivating children's professionalism is the direction of the art exam. If you have passed the joint entrance examination, to be honest, it is hard for me to believe that there is no way for children to go to school. Some parents give up going to private schools. In fact, I feel a bit contradictory, because parents can only afford the tuition fees, because nowadays, the average family of art candidates It is difficult to support, but the direction of calligraphy and photography is okay. It is also a good consideration to let your children choose a people-oriented direction. Nowadays, many schools have canceled school exams for art candidates, but good colleges still have school exams.