The signature is usually Zhu and Bai. We should follow the principle of "Zhu first, then Bai". Generally, Zhu is the name seal, and white is the study seal. The position should be covered under the signature or at the lower left of the signature (slightly to the side). It's best not to print your name and nickname at the same time. If you want to stamp at the same time, the name is printed on it and the other number is printed on the bottom.
As a calligraphy lover, you should have your own learning seal. If necessary (if there is a blank space on it), you can stamp an introduction chapter between the first word and the second word at the beginning. The text of the first chapter should be related to the writing content of the article. Generally long or shaped.
Extended data:
Signature knowledge
The preceding paragraph: the position should be higher to show respect, including name, title and modesty. Next paragraph: Write the time, place, name and modesty.
If there is a previous paragraph but there is no previous paragraph, it is called a single paragraph, which may or may not contain the contents of the previous paragraph. If there are no books to give away, there are only single items.
A single segment has a long segment, a short segment and a difference segment. A long paragraph refers to writing the time, name and place at the source of the text, plus the author's feelings or reasons for creating this work. A short paragraph only includes the source, time, name and place of the text.
If there are many blanks in the work or because of the need of composition, you can leave a long paragraph; If the work is full, you need to leave a short paragraph. If there is not much paper left and too little blank space, you can just use the author's name as "poor money".
Baidu Encyclopedia-Signature