Titans and the Formation of the Universe
No one knows exactly how the universe began. Some theorize that a chaotic, catastrophic explosion caused an endless group of worlds to spiral into darkness - worlds that subsequently took on incredible life forms and vastly different brilliance. Others believe that the universe was created in its entirety by a powerful entity. Although no one is sure of the origin of the chaotic universe, at least one thing is certain: a powerful race brought stability to the world group, and also brought a stable prospect to other groups that followed in the footsteps of this powerful race.
The Titans, giant metal-skinned gods who came from the far reaches of the universe, explored the newborn universe and were busy in the worlds they encountered. They shape the world one after another by "pulling out" mountains and "creating" seas. They are making the air breathable and covering the world with an atmosphere. However, this is only a small part of their far-sighted plan to "change chaos into order". They even enlist various primitive races to assist them in order to keep the integrity of their respective worlds.
At the beginning of creation, under the governance of a great god sect called the Pantheon, the Titans broke through the darkness and completed billions of transformations of the chaotic world. The sacred pantheon strives to maintain these built worlds and is always on guard against attacks from the evil forces that twist the underworld. The underworld connects countless worlds, is the omnipresent chaotic magic, and is the nest of countless evil creatures who are bent on devouring the energy of the living world. Unpredictable in the form of sinful life, the Titans struggle to find a way to end the demonic threat.
The Betrayal of Sargeras
For a period of time, evil entities from the twisted underworld broke into the world of Titans. The Pantheon selected Sargeras, the most powerful warrior, as the first line of defense. strength. For thousands of years, Sargeras, the noble giant who melted copper and iron, has been doing his job and destroying demons whenever he finds them. For thousands of years, Sargeras encountered two powerful demon races, both seeking to gain power and dominate the universe.
The Eredar, a race of evil wizards, relied on witchcraft to invade many worlds, and the indigenous populations were turned into demons by their witchcraft. Although the power of Sargeras was more than enough to deal with the eredar, he was brooding over the population of these transformed demons. Since the great Titan could not conceive of such a fall, he fell into painful reflections. Although he was disturbed, he eliminated the eredar wizards from the universe and sealed them in a corner of the Chaos Underworld.
As his doubts deepened, Sargeras was ordered to expel another force seeking to undermine the Titan order: the Nathrezim. This dark vampire race (also known as the Dread Lord) has also conquered some worlds by leading its inhabitants into darkness. They bring creatures into darkness by manipulating their consciousness to make them hateful and disloyal. Sargeras defeated Nathrezim easily, but Nathrezim's corruption affected him deeply.
Confusion and despair disrupted Sargeras' breathing, and he lost all faith, not only in the task, but in his entire orderly vision. Ultimately he decided that creating order was folly, and that in a dark, lonely universe, darkness and depravity were absolute. His men persuaded him to give up his wrong ideas, but he ignored their "self-fooling" "optimistic fantasies." Breaking with his identity, Sargeras set out to find his place in the universe. Although the Pantheon mourned his loss, the Titans could hardly predict how far their brother would go.
As madness consumed the last of his brave soul, Sargeras held the Titans themselves responsible for the failure of Creation. Finally, he decided to build an unstoppable army and destroy the orderly world created by the Titans before.
Even Sargeras' titan form became distorted, and sin tainted his originally holy heart. His eyes, hair, and beard emitted flames, and his metal skin cracked, and a blazing furnace representing anger protruded from his body.
Enraged, Sargeras tore apart the prisons of the eredar and Nathrezim, releasing the disgusting demons. These cunning creatures bow their heads to the roar of the Titans and will do whatever evil they can for their master! Sargeras selected two warriors from among the mighty eredar to command the demonic legions. Kil'jaeden the Deceiver was sent to scout out the other most evil races in the universe and recruit them. A second champion, Archimonde the Destroyer, was sent to lead an army to defeat all forces that stood in the way of the titan's will.
Kil'jaeden's first step was to capture the vampire dreadlords. As investigators, the Dreadlords are very willing to search for primitive races in the universe for their masters and hand them over to their masters for "contamination", and then integrate them into the army. Tithodios the Dark was the first to serve, and Kil'jaeden's first perfect pawn to bring Sargeras' burning will to every corner of the universe. The powerful Archimonde also found a minion for himself. He commanded the evil Pit Lords and their savage leader, Mannoroth the Destroyer. Archimonde hopes to create a great power capable of destroying all life.
When Sargeras saw that his army had grown in size and could obey his every command, he rushed into the dark and boundless universe. He called his growing army the "Burning Legion." So far, countless worlds in the universe have been burned in their evil holy war...
The ancient gods and the order of Azeroth
The Titans have not Realizing that Sargeras had destroyed the fruits of their labor, they continued to advance from world to world, making order to each world they saw. On their way, they happened upon a small world that would later be called Azeroth by its inhabitants. When the Titans were making the scenery of this world, they encountered a group of hostile elemental creatures. These elements enveloped some evil creatures. It is said that these evil creatures were ancient gods. They swore to drive the Titans out of the world. They did not want the Titans to die. Transform the world with metal hands.
With the Pantheon thwarted, they launched a war to defeat the ancient gods and their evil leader. The armies of the ancient gods were led by Ragnaros, the Fire Lord, Therazane, the Stonemother, Al'Akir, the Wind Lord, and Neptulon the Tidehunter. Their armies marched fiercely across the land and collided with the huge Titans. . Although the elements were much more powerful than humans, they were still no match for the Titans, and were eventually eliminated one by one.
The Pantheon tore apart the fortress of the ancient gods and killed the five evil gods. The chain of suppression is deep underground in this world. Without the ancient gods' control over the spiritual power of this world, the elements are exiled into the darkness, where they will fight with each other forever. As the elements disperse, the world Nature calmed down and the world entered an orderly melody. Seeing that there was no threat, the Titans continued their work.
The Titans gave some races power so that they could help them decorate the world and help themselves dig. Some underground caves. The Titans used magic to create elements of earth and stone similar to the dwarves to help them dig out the land and fill the sea, and created a huge and kind sea god. This process lasted for many years, until finally there was only a perfect piece of land left on the surface. Continent. In the middle of the continent, Titan carved a lake of sparkling energy. This lake became the "Eternal Spring". The spring water supports the life of the world, and its potential power nourishes the bones of the world and all kinds of life. It began to prosper, and the springs also provided soil for life to take root. Soon, all kinds of crops, trees, and creatures flourished. As the sun fell, the Titans named the continent "Kalimdor" after the last day of work. --The Land of Eternal Starlight.
The Duties of the Dragons
Having completed the transformation of the small world of Azeroth, the Titans were satisfied and ready to leave. But before they set off. Before, while preparing to patrol Kalimdor to prevent certain species from destroying their achievements, they encountered a powerful species.
In that era, there were many dragons. There were five groups of dragons that controlled each other's powers, and the Titans chose them to cultivate this world. The many gods of the pantheon poured some of their power into the five leaders of these dragons. These majestic dragons (details will be listed later) became a majestic race, the dragon family.
Aman"Thul, the great ancestor of the Pantheon, gave part of his boundless power to the powerful golden dragon Nozdormu, and asked him to guard time and detect the wrong direction of destiny in time. Ascetic and yet The sacred Nozdormu is called "Eternal"
Eonar, the Titan's Life Protector, gave part of her power to the red dragon Alexstrasza. From then on, Alex. Thassa is known as the Life-Binder, and her job is to protect all living things in the world. Because of her superior wisdom and endless passion, Alexstrasza was crowned the Dragon Queen and given dominion over her species. Right.
Eonar also blessed Alexstrasza's sister, the green dragon Ysera. Influenced by nature, Ysera entered an eternal sleepwalking. Her job was to wake up from the dream of creation. Come. Known as the God of Dreams, she protects the world's wild species from her own immature realm, "The Emerald Dream".
Norgannon, the Titan's brains and leader of mages, Granted part of his power to the blue dragon Malygos. From then on, Malygos was called the Creator of Magic, the guardian of magic and mysterious nature.
Malygos, the Titan's world reinforcement. He gave part of his power to the black dragon Neltharion. The kind-hearted Neltharion was later called the Guardian of the Earth. He had the ability to rule the surface and underground world and give the world power, and became Alexstad. Sa's most powerful assistant. With this arrangement, these five groups began to take charge of the defense of the world during the years when the Titans left. The dragons began to guard the achievements of the Titans, and the Titans left Azeroth forever. Unfortunately, it was only a matter of time before Sargeras discovered this new world.
The Awakening World, the Fountain of Eternity
1,000 years before the first collision between humans and beasts, Ai. The world of Xerath only nurtures a continent surrounded by sea water. This large land called Kalimdor supports a large number of different species. In this awakening world, all species face the cruel nature through competition. In the center of this continent is a mysterious lake that sparkles with energy. This lake, later called the Fountain of Eternity, is the heart of the world's magic and natural power. The incredible spring water draws endless potential energy from the underground dark world to provide nutrients for life forms. .
Later, a tribe of primitive nocturnal humanoid creatures cautiously came to this magical spring. These primitive humanoid creatures were attracted by the magic of the spring and built themselves on the winding coastline of the spring. The original home. As time went by, the spring began to influence the tribe, making them stronger, wiser, and immortal. The tribe adopted the name Kadori, which means "in the tribe's accent." "Children of the Stars", to celebrate their budding society, they built magnificent buildings and temples by the lake.
Kaldorei, later known as the night elves, believed in the moon goddess Eren, They firmly believe that the Moon Goddess sleeps under the glimmer of the lake during the day. The early prophets of the night elves studied the spring with great curiosity and explored its depth. As this society grew, the night elves explored the continent of Kalimdor and encountered other species. The only thing that allowed them to stop were the ancient dragons. These huge and resourceful beasts often hide themselves, but they do much to protect the world from the dangers it now faces. The night elves discovered that the dragons played the role of guardians of the world, and promised to keep their identities secret for the dragons.
Later, the curiosity of the night elves led them to get acquainted with many powerful allies, including Cenarius (remember? Orc’s Grom cut down the boss of the level after 5,000 wood), which is extraordinary. The guardian of the jungle.
The kind-hearted Cenarius liked the curious night elves very much and spent a lot of time telling them the mysteries of nature. The peaceful Kaldorei cast magic over the forests of Kalimdor and revealed the harmonious balance of the world.
In what seemed like a long time, the night elves developed themselves both civilized and territorial. Their temples, roads, and dwellings stretch across the dark continent. Azshara, the gifted and beautiful queen of the night elves, built a magnificent palace beside a spring-fed lake, and the halls where her servants lived were filled with gems. Her servants, whom she calls the Quel'dorei, or nobles, are loyal to the queen's every command and consider themselves superior to other night elves. Although everyone loved the queen, the nobles were secretly jealous.
The queen, like the prophet, was very curious about the lake, so she ordered the nobles to explore the true meaning of the lake to the world. The nobles devoted themselves to the study of the lake and never stopped for a moment. Soon, they had the ability to control the huge energy of the spring water. As they gain more experience, when they rest, they discover that they can create and destroy! The nobles became more and more involved and wanted to master this power. Although they knew that irresponsible use of magic was dangerous, the queen and nobles recklessly devoted themselves to the study of magic. Cenarius and some older scholars discovered that playing with the tranquility of this magical artifact would only lead to disaster, but Azshara and her elves still stubbornly expanded their budding magic.
As their power increased, Azshara and the nobles changed significantly. They became arrogant and cruel to other night elves. The decadent and blistered face covered Azizhara's once charming beauty. She began to withdraw from this research and refused to associate with and trust these nobles.
Malfurion Stormfury (Illidan's brother), a young scholar who spent much of his time studying Druid culture, suspected that a terrible force had tainted the nobles and his beloved. Queen. Although he could not predict the coming evil, he could tell that the night elves would soon change dramatically and never recover.
The Ancient War
10,000 years before "Warcraft I"
The nobles' abuse of the magic of the eternal spring caused the spring to flow, and the energy of the spring turned toward darkness. cosmic fluctuations. This energy flow happened to be sensed by the terrifying alien spirit. Sargeras, the most terrifying enemy of all life and the Destroyer of Worlds, sensed this energy and wanted to know its source. When he scouted the original world of Azeroth and felt the endless power of the Eternal Fountain, Sargeras became uncontrollably hungry. The dark God of the Void decided to destroy the budding world and absorb its energy. Sargeras gathered his vast Burning Legion and marched toward Azeroth. The Legion is filled with millions of screaming demons from every corner of the universe, eager to conquer. Sargeras' generals Archimonde the Destroyer and Mannoroth the Destroyer and their infernal daemons are ready to attack at any moment.
Queen Azshara, tortured and destroyed by her own magic, became a victim of Sargeras. She provided him with an entrance to this world, and even her noble servants were inevitably affected. Pollution, began to worship their god Sargeras. To demonstrate their loyalty, the nobles opened a vortex portal for their queen to the depths of the Fountain of Eternity.
When everything was ready, Sargeras launched his disastrous invasion of Azeroth. The demonic warriors of the Burning Legion burst into the world from the vortex and surrounded the night elves' Night City. Archimonde and Mannoroth led their troops to swarm Kalimdor, passing through only ruins and pain. The demon wizard summoned the hellfire of the meteorite class and destroyed the elegant temple. The bloodthirsty Doomguard traveled across Kalimdor, slaying every creature in their path. Large groups of demon soldiers ravaged the villages that had no resistance. Although the brave Kaldorei warriors resisted tenaciously, they could not stop the legion's butcher knife from cutting off their land piece by piece.
The task of saving the Alliance fell to Malfurion Stormfury. His brother Illidan also studied the magic of the nobles, and he was angered by the pollution of the noble minds. After Malfurion convinced him to abandon his dangerous delusions, he set off to find Cenarius and organize a resistance. The beautiful young priestess Tyrande Windspeaker also agreed to help the Stormfury brothers in the name of Ellen. Although both Malfurion and Illidan loved the idealistic priestess Tyrande, her heart only belonged to Malfurion. Illidan resented the love between his brother and Tyrande, but he His sadness was nothing compared to his desire for magic.
Illidan, who is addicted to magic, endures his pain and prevents himself from touching the energy of the spring water again. With Tyrande's help, Illidan controlled his emotions and helped his brothers find the jungle guardian Cenaris who lived in seclusion in the Moonlight Swamp of Mount Hyjal. Cenarius helped the night elves find the ancient dragon. The red dragon Alexstrasza also promised to lead his tribe to fight against the demons of hell.
Cenarius gathered the elves of the Enchanted Forest to form an army of tree men, and led them to launch a brave ground attack against the Burning Legion. The battle raged as the night elves gathered at the Temple of Azshara and the Fountain of Eternity. Malfurion discovered that the Burning Legion could not be defeated by military force.
As overwhelming fighting rages in the capital of Azshara, the queen is obsessed with the fantasy of Sargeras' arrival. The Burning Legion is preparing to pass through the Fountain of Eternity and come to the ruined world. As the vast legions reached the Fountain of Eternity, its surface boiled, and Azshara rallied her most powerful nobles. Only by concentrating their power on one spell can they create a gate large enough for Sargeras to pass through.
As the war spread across the burning continent of Kalimdor, something terrible happened. No one remembers the details. They only know that Neltharion of the earth dragons collapsed under the deadly attack of the Burning Legion. The dark power hidden in their hearts awakened. He renamed himself Deathwing and brought the five dragons together. Take away from the battlefield.
Deathwing's sudden betrayal brought great destruction. The five dragons suffered irreparable physical and mental damage, and Alexstrasza and other friendly dragons had to abandon them. The biological alliance, Malfurion and his comrades almost escaped death.
Malfurion firmly believed that the Eternal Fountain was the center of evil's entry into the world, and insisted on destroying the Fountain. His comrades knew that this spring was the power of their immortality, and were very afraid of such a reckless idea, but Tyrande still realized Malfurion's wisdom, and she persuaded Cenarius and his people to attack Az. Temple of Sarah, and attempted to seal the Fountain of Eternity forever.
The Breaking of the World
Knowing that once the lake was destroyed, he would lose his magic power, Illidan selfishly gave up the organization and set out to find the nobles and inform them of Malfurion's plan . Thinking of his desire for mana and what happened to his brother and Tyrande, Illidan was almost crazy and showed no regrets for his actions. He betrayed his brother and sided with Azshara's men, vowing to protect the spring by any means necessary.
Devastated by the loss of his brother, Malfurion led the alliance to the center of Azshara's temple. When they rushed into the hall, they happened to find the nobles performing the final dark magic ceremony together. Their rituals created huge, unstable whirlpools in the churning waters of the lake, and Sargeras' dangerous shadow drew ever closer to the surface. Malfurion and the Alliance charge. Azshara had been warned by Illidan and was already preparing for this battle. Nearly all of Malfurion's allies fell before the queen. Tyrande tried to attack the queen from behind, but was caught by the guards. Although she was eventually dragged away, she was seriously injured. Malfurion saw his lover fall, and his blood was furious. He wanted to kill Azshara.
As the fighting inside and outside the temple escalates, Illidan appears on the shore of the spring.
He knelt down next to the spring and filled the spring water with sparkling energy in the magic bottle he made. The demons would destroy the entire night elf civilization. Thinking so, he decided to steal the holy water for his own use.
In the ensuing battle, Malfurion and Azshara led the nobles' cautious use of magic into chaos. A devastating explosion occurred in the unstable vortex deep in the lake, and a huge chain shock wave tore the world apart. The foundations of the temple and even the entire suffering land were immersed in the strong tremors caused by the explosion. During the holy war between the Night Elf Alliance and the Burning Legion, the Fountain of Eternity twisted itself and collapsed.
The explosion tore apart the earth and polluted the sky.
The shock wave shook the bones of the world, and seawater filled the scars of the land. The continent of Kalimdor in 80's was torn apart, forming some scattered continents with the newly formed sea as the center. In the center of the sea, where the eternal fountain once stood, swirl the power of rage and chaos. This terrible scar called the Great Whirlpool records this period of history... The ideal world is gone forever.
Queen Azshara and her nobles want to survive this ordeal. Tormented by the disaster they themselves had caused, they were dragged down to the bottom of the sea by the powerful force of the spring's contraction. Cursed, they transform into hulking monsters, their appearance forever reflecting their evil nature.
At the bottom of the great whirlpool, the Nagas built themselves a new city, Nazga Tower, where they cultivated and lived until they appeared on the ground again 10,000 years later.
Gifts from the Holy Mountain Hyjal and Illidan
The few night elf survivors gathered together to survive this terrible explosion, and they found hope of landing on the life raft. . In any case, under the blessing of the goddess Ellen, Malfurion, Tyrande, and Cenarius also survived the division of the world, and the exhausted leaders decided to build a new home for their people. As they take a bird's-eye view of the ruins of the world, they realize that excessive enthusiasm has led to destruction. Although Sargeras and the Burning Legion were driven back, Malfurion and his brothers knew that they had paid a huge price for the spring water.
Some nobles also survived unscathed and came ashore with other night elves. Although Malfurion did not believe their motives, at least their foolish behavior did not lead to a greater disaster.
Hyjal When the night elves docked, they discovered that the holy mountain Hyjal was still standing after the explosion. In order to build a new home for themselves, Malfurion and the night elves climbed to the top of Hyjal. They walked through the woods and crossed the mountain peaks, and unexpectedly found a peaceful lake, but the lake water had been polluted by magic.
Illidan also survived and reached Mount Hyjal before the large group of people. Frantically trying to stop the flow of magic in the world, he poured the water from the magic bottle containing the eternal spring into the mountain lake. The huge energy caused the lake to boil and form a new eternal spring. Illidan was overjoyed, thinking that the new eternal fountain was a gift to future generations, but he was still captured by Malfurion. Malfurion told Illidan that the energy of the spring was chaotic and disaster would occur if it continued like this, but Illidan ignored it and refused to recover the magic inside.
Malfurion knew that Illidan would not bring any good results. He decided to punish his brother forever. He found the poison from the underground tombs, which poisoned Illidan. The power is sealed forever. To ensure that his brother could control himself, Malfurion made Maiev Shadowsong serve as Illidan's prison warden.
Considering that destroying the new spring would cause a bigger explosion, the night elves decided to leave the spring. Malfurion declared that no one could use the spring water to practice magic anymore. Under the leadership of Senaris, everyone began to practice the ancient Druid culture. With this power, maybe the land and forests will one day recover!
The World Tree and the Green Dream
9,000 years before "Warcraft I"
For many years, the night elves have been working to restore their homeland.
The ruined temples and roads of the past have long since rotted away, and they are rebuilding new buildings in the dark woods at the foot of Mount Hyjal. The surviving dragons soon arrived at their new residence.
The red dragon Alexstrasza, the green dragon Ysera, and the golden dragon Nozdormu descended to the Druid's Tranquil Swamp, observed the fruits of the night elves' labor, and became the mage of the Druid elders. Furion greets the dragons and tells them of the birth of the new Fountain of Eternity. The dragon was shocked. They were afraid that because of this spring, the Burning Legion might come here again one day and launch a fierce attack. Malfurion and the three dragons reached an agreement to protect the spring and prevent the Burning Legion from finding it again. Alexstrasza the Life-Binder dropped a fruit into the center of the Eternal Fountain. The fruit sprouted into a huge tree. The strong roots of the tree grabbed the spring water, and the branches and leaves seemed to stretch across the entire sky. The huge tree has become a symbol of the night elves' eternal connection with nature, and the energy it emits heals every scar in the world. The night elves named the tree Nordrassil, which in their accent means the crown of heaven.
Nozdormu, the god of time, also casts a spell on the tree to ensure that it exists as long as it lasts. Night elves would not age, get sick, or become prey to other species.
Dreamer Ysera also cast spells on the tree to connect it to her own realm called the "Emerald Dream". The realm of "Emerald Dream" does not exist in the physical world. In her dreams, Ysera wove every evolution and regression into the world. The fate of the night elf druid is connected to the dream through the big tree. As part of the deal, the druids agreed to sleep for thousands of years, ensuring that their souls would provide unlimited access to Ysera's dreams. Although they were sad to lose thousands of years of life, they selflessly gave their consciousness to Ysera.
The Exiled High Elves
7300 years before "Warcraft I"
Thousands of years have passed, and the night elves have settled in what they later called Ashenvale. developed in the forest. Many species that were very prosperous before the Big Bang are now abundant again, such as furbolgs and porcupines, which have also reappeared. Under Druid's harmonious leadership, the night elves enjoyed an era of unparalleled peace and quiet under the stars.
However, the previous nobles were not satisfied. Like Illidan before them, they were delusional about the lost magic. They secretly planned to practice the magic of the eternal fountain again. The reckless and outspoken noble leader Darthrema began to openly mock the druids, mocking them as cowards who dare not control magic. Malfurion and his companions ignored it and warned the nobles that anyone who dared to study the magic of the spring would be punished with death. In order to make Malfurion take back his words, Darthrema and her men unleashed a terrible magical storm on Ashenvale Forest.
Unable to stop the threat of magic, the druids decided to banish the reckless nobles from their lands. The nobles were happy to leave these five conservative groups, so they prepared the ship and set sail. Although they don't know what lies behind the Great Vortex, they long to build their own home where they can study magic without penalty. The nobles, or Quel'dorei as Azshara used to be called, came to the eastern continent known as Lordaeron. They planned to build their magical home of Quel'Thalas and abandon their worship of moonlight and nocturnal activities. Habits. They began to embrace the sun and changed their names to high elves
Sentinels and Nightwatchers
With the departure of their compatriots, the night elves returned to their main focus. The magical home was protected. The druids realized that their hibernation was about to end, and they were ready to leave their homes and lovers to sleep again. Tyrande became the highest priest of the moon goddess Ellen, and she did not want Malfurion. Leaving her again to enter Ysera's dream. Malfurion said to her, our love is real, and I swear that we will not leave each other for too long
Protect Kalimdor alone. Tyrande formed a mighty army from her night elf sisters, who were sworn to defend Kalimdor and were called the Sentinels.
Although they like to patrol the dark forests of Ashenvale at night, they always have to eliminate threats in time for other allies.
The guardian of the jungle, the demigod Senaris, still lives in seclusion in the Moonlight Swamp on Mount Hyjal. He is also constantly patrolling the forest and helping the night elves maintain peace. Even his shy daughter Dryads is becoming more and more popular. I like showing up more and more.
Keeping the peace kept Tyrande very busy, and she was not happy without Malfurion by her side. When the druid slept, she was always afraid that the evil spirit would come again. She was constantly paralyzed by the fear that the Legion would come back through the dark skies with vengeance.