At dawn the next day, we still took a small sampan to the south of Chaoshan, where there were more plum blossoms than in the north. The stream is vast and remote, with dense branches and leaves of ancient trees. The path on the shore branches into eight or nine roads, extending to the edge of Meilin. We came to Gan Yuan Pass and visited the water tunnel. The water pool in the cave is crystal clear, and grotesque stones stand on the water. The water pool infiltrates Shi Gen, and those grotesque stones are cracked and covered with dark green moss. Judging from the texture of the stone, Ben and the dry hole are integrated. This dry cave is close to the Gan Yuan landscape and leans to the right. Climbing more than 30 stone steps, I reached the mouth of the cave. It was dark and deep, and only the sound of Feng Shui was heard. The brothers Chen and Chen Diliao, who came to play together, lit torches and went into the hole, but they didn't go to the bottom of the hole and came back. The rock beside the pool is engraved with three characters "Haiyun Cave", written by Zhao Bian, a calligrapher in the Song Dynasty. Looking for the stone statues of Ding and his son again, they have been mottled and fallen off, and only the poems on the stone tablets are still faintly visible. Rongbo invited me to Gan Yuan for lunch, and I couldn't help but raise my glass, because the plum blossoms I have seen in my life are not as dense and prosperous as here. However, Rong Bo said to me, "If the winter snow passes, the plum blossoms here will become more and more exotic and beautiful, far more prosperous than watching Xixi, a plum blossom resort." I have been to Xixi twice, but unfortunately the plum blossoms are not in full bloom. Now, all I have to do is write an article "Super Mountain Plum Blossoms", one for Rong Bo and one for my friend Chen Shouci in Fuzhou. Shouci is also a person who loves plum blossoms.