You studied at home and later entered the schools of Mr. Wang Xuezhong and Mr. Sun Qifeng. He is good at calligraphy, especially in small letters. Zong Shaojing, Zi Ang, and benefited from the scriptures written by the Tang people. Its fine print is meticulous, beautiful and elegant, vigorous and powerful, and it is called the ultimate beauty and the ultimate elegant classical beauty by the book circle. He has been selected into the national exhibition organized by China Calligraphy Association and the calligraphy competition organized by CCTV for 13 times, and won six awards. In addition to small letters, he is also good at the North Monument. Meticulous, solemn and elegant, unique charm. It was inscribed on the balcony by the pavilion and won unanimous praise from experts. In addition to calligraphy, I also specialize in Chinese painting, including landscapes, flowers and birds, and people.
Unique painting style. Catch up with the four monks, the Eighth National Congress, the Three Scholars and the White Stone. In particular, he painted famous Buddhist works from Zhong Kui and the world, and his works have participated in many exhibitions at home and abroad. 1996 went to the United States to hold a personal painting and calligraphy exhibition. Many newspapers and magazines such as People's Daily, China Calligraphy, China Calligraphy and Painting, Calligraphy and the Singapore Herald, and American Overseas Chinese News reported articles and published their works. I like to publish rotten stones on weekdays and have my own style. Besides calligraphy and painting, there are more things in poetry articles. Newspapers and poetry collections collect more articles about his poems. Especially addicted to book collection and reading.
Half of the books in the concierge are arrogant. Put it between the mountains and books every day, and the color of pride is beyond words. Biographies are included in China Dictionary of Contemporary Painters, China Dictionary of Calligraphers, China Who's Who of Contemporary Art, Han Mo Calligraphy Elite Collection, China Hard Pen Calligraphers Dictionary, China Printing Yearbook and other large dictionaries. His paintings and calligraphy works are published in various newspapers and magazines. And there are special TV movies with poems and paintings in their bellies, which are broadcast in 13 provinces and cities across the country. He won the Lu Xun Literature and Art Award. ..