Explanation of Seventy Posts

Wang Xizhi was fifty-nine years old, and the post said, "My ears were droopy and my ears were smooth in my year." Therefore, this post was written in the year of Xi's death. In the Qing Dynasty, Lu Yiyi used the posts as evidence to determine the year of Wang Xizhi's birth and death based on the "Seventy Posts". Lu also referred to Zhou Fu's death in 365 (the third year of Xingning), and concluded that Wang Xizhi's death was no later than 365. From this, it was pushed back fifty-nine years, and Wang Xizhi's birth year was set as 307 (the first year of Yongjia). In fact, although Zhou Fuzheng died in 365, there is no evidence to prove that Zhou Fuzheng was seventy years old in this year, and the history of Zhou Fuzheng has been lost. The ages of the two mentioned in "Seventy Posts" can only indicate that the age difference between the two is about eleven years. It can be seen from this that Zhou Fu's age was seventy-four years old. Furthermore, it can be seen that "Seventy Posts" was written when Wang Xizhi was fifty-nine years old.