Forty-eight years, into the punishments ministers. Zhang Sanwei stole the rice in the warehouse, and the army ordered Qihe to arrest it and send it to the punishments. Qi Shiwu, the Manchu minister, planned to behead him, but the court clung to him and planned to exile him. After nine ministers discussed it, the court made improper changes, so it was punished. Blame Shu Ting for being suspicious and clinging to officials. Russia, Yan Wangqi offended, and in 51 years, he was transferred from the imperial court to the Ministry of Pivot Industry as a minister. Jia Rui, the governor of Jiangnan, exchanged views with Zhang Boxing, the governor of Jiangsu, and ordered Shangshu and Governor He Shou to be treated according to law, and discussed how to seize the official position. On the reply, Shu Ting and Mu Helun and other ministers re-investigated the opinions of Peng Ao and others. Xia Shujiu Qing made a special order to seize the official position as a gift and restore Boxing.
Fifty-two years, criminal investigation department. In fifty-six years, Yiyang County, Henan Province ordered a fire to abuse the people, robbed Mianchi thieves in Shenqi Village, and robbed Linggao of Yongning County into the village. Geng Yi, a village thief, also collected money and food from Baicheng, a magistrate of a county, and gathered around the county seat. Governor Zhang Shengzuo and company commander Feng Junshu can't make peace and don't want to complain because of trouble. He ordered Shu Ting and cabinet bachelor Lashbo to govern the country according to law and commit suicide by hanging themselves. More, grasp the law of disposal at first sight; Cheng, Yu emblem to stay waiting; Shengzuo and Junshu took the official position; Li Xiling, the former governor, was accused of making drastic reforms to his officials. Jin Yuan, the leader of the Pali Sect in Yang Lan 'an, plotted against the plan, ordered the court to pivot and press it, and discussed crime as a law. In 58 years, there was a mutiny in Nanyang Town, which humiliated the magistrate Shen Yuan and put Shu Ting in charge of Gao Qizhuo, a bachelor of cabinet. Haldin, a salt official in Zhejiang, was corrupted by businessmen, and Shu Ting, a bachelor of Deyin, was put in charge of the cabinet. Equal to the law. Shu Ting returned to Beijing and said, "Since the 14th year of Kangxi, Henan straw and rice have been converted into eight taels of silver and one stone. Because rice is cheap, the Ministry proposed to use one yuan and five yuan to distribute the rest to the governor to buy rice for shipment. It is very tiring for the governor to appoint counties, and the counties send people to buy and lose. Please pay the grain road to buy the shipment, and there is no need to send someone. " The second half of the discussion.
Sejong was in the mansion, and Xu Cai killed his servant, so the Ministry agreed to pay him the servant together. Shu Ting's single-minded crime is mining and sitting on the edge of immigration. Sejong acceded to the throne, praised Shu Ting for resisting straightness, and re-arrested her for her crimes. In the first year of Yongzheng, the king of Shicheng County, Chen Menglei, was ordered to send a telegram to Heilongjiang because of his original editing. The court told this story, Dong Fang stopped sending a telegram, and his son was sent out to make a trip. Longkeduo, the minister of history, violated the imperial decree and ordered him to return to China one by one.
Zi Jin, Jinshi and Guan Zhongyun also told the family that they were sick. In six years, Shaanxi Governor Xilin illegally detained Zhao Shixian, the river chief, for 6,000 yuan and refused to recover it, so she lived in the countryside illegally. A letter to seize the imperial court and the official, so that the company is strict. Shu Ting died after being arrested. Governor Yue Chongji suggested beheading Kun, and with his family background, ordered him to repair the city at the junction of Sichuan and Shaanxi to atone. During the Qianlong period, he returned to the imperial court to preside over state affairs and pursue literary passages. Zi Wan, also a scholar, is the head of the official residence.