Secondly, the help of many international friends. Mr Samaranch, former president of the International Olympic Committee, is very supportive of China's bid for the Olympic Games. He told IOC members at the 200 1 Moscow Executive Committee: If you want to express your gratitude or appreciation for my work in 2 1, please vote for Beijing. Many IOC members, especially those from Africa and Asia, not only voted for China themselves, but also helped China to do other members' work and canvassed for China. Some foreign members put forward many constructive opinions and suggestions on China's bid, and made great contributions to China's bid.
Third, it can be considered as a balance. 1993 China encountered great external resistance when it applied for the Olympic Games for the first time, and finally lost to Sydney with the weakest disadvantage (2 votes). Then a bribery scandal broke out in Sydney, which made people more sympathetic to China. In the 200 1 vote, many members who chose Sydney in 1993 expressed support for Beijing. In addition, when other cities competed for other Olympic Games, China also supported them. In turn, this is also a kind of human return. In this regard, smirnoff, a member of the Russian Olympic Committee, is a typical example.
Fourthly, some western countries' vicious attacks and unwarranted accusations against China have played the opposite role, which aroused strong resentment from many honest IOC members, some of whom hesitated at first, and later resolutely supported China for such reasons. The same was true when the Soviet Union applied for the 1980 Olympic Games.