Wang Xizhi and the Image of Fairy Goose in Flying in the Wild.

Wang Xizhi's fairy goose holds its head high and noble, and its neck is slender and elastic. When the goose's neck swings, it naturally forms a beautiful dance. Wang Xizhi likes white geese, and the legend has something to do with his study of calligraphy. He thinks that the index finger should be slightly bent like a goose's head when holding the pen, and the stroke should be like a goose's foot when lifting the pen, so as to absorb the spirit into the pen. Wang Xizhi imitated his shape and waved his wrist. His handwriting is rich and elegant, both rigid and soft, like crouching tiger. The calligrapher of Qing Dynasty wrote a poem to describe this situation: Give full play to all your energy, and settle your feet first. When you realize that geese are swimming in the water, you will know that it is difficult for the five fingers to work together.