Paragraph 3
Explanation: "The one with the middle crown and many beards is Dongpo", "娨", é, towering; "Wei", is. "Foyin is on the right", "ju", located. "Dongpo holds the end of the scroll in his right hand and strokes Lu's back with his left hand", "hold" means to hold it; "end" means the head; "stroke" means to press it and place it on it. "Lu Zhi holds the end of the scroll in his left hand", "end", the tail. "The two knees are compared", "bi" means close to each other; "zhe" indicates the postposition of the attributive, and the attributive reduction is "compared to the two knees". "Everyone hides himself in the folds of his clothes", omits the sentence pattern, and omits "yu" after "Yin". "Foyin Jue Maitreya", "Jue" means extreme; "similarity" means similarity. "Hanging the rosary on the left arm and leaning on it", "lean", yǐ, means to lean on; "zhi" means the left knee. "Pearls can be counted clearly." "Lili" can clearly be counted.
Paragraph 4
Zhouzi: The person who punts the boat. Vertebral bun: A vertebra-shaped bun. Heng: Tong "horizontal". Pan: Pass "pu". If: It seems. Shape: shape, appearance. Silence: adjective, calm.
Question 1: In what order does the author introduce the position and relationship of the three people? What are the words that indicate this order?
Explanation: Spatial order, the words are "center, right, left"
Question 2: What aspects of the content of Su and Huang did the author introduce, and what did he explain?
Explanation: It introduces the postures of the hands and feet of the two people, their expressions and movements, as well as the pleats of their clothes and their knees. It shows Wang Shuyuan's skill in carving knife skills and the author's meticulous observation and realistic description.
Question 3: What verbs does the author use to accurately describe the characters?
Explanation: Verbs include "hold, caress, point, speak, correct, look, lie, hold, support, lean" etc.
Paragraph 4 Student Discussion
Question: From this passage, is the ship moving or has it stopped? Where did you see it? .
Explanation: It has stopped, "the boat's stern is lying horizontally"