1. The pinyin of Xuan is xuàn; 2, the explanation of the words: (shape) gorgeous colors.
Select some colorful words to make sentences, pinyin and detailed explanations:
1. Gorgeous sentences: He said to Reuters: "The background of the picture is colorful, and the calligraphy strokes are probably made by parents, so children can't do it at all, let alone two-year-old children."
explanation: brilliant and beautiful: flowers with literary talent ~ | ~.
2. Gorgeous sentences: If you drive to Xuesonglin City, you will find that the sunset in King Canyon Park is gorgeous. Between the Cedar Forest and Rochepol, you will see the orange light of the sun spread over the majestic Sierra Nevada.
explanation: brilliant: ~ the morning glow | ~ colorful.
A list of words related to gorgeous words. How to compose colorful words? Colorful words
Bright, painted, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful and colorful.