In the second year of Wu Zhou Shengong (698), Wu Zetian asked Wang Fangqing, the minister of Fengge, and said: "Does the Qing family have calligraphy?" Fang Qingzou said: "In the tenth generation of the minister, there were forty from the ancestor Wang Xizhi. The remaining paper. In the 12th year of Zhenguan, the ancestors came to the end, and there is a volume. I have recently completed the collection. Forefathers Wang Qian, the fifth generation, Wang Gui, the great ancestor Wang Bao, and the nine generations together, Wang Xianzhi, the third uncle of Jinzhong Shuling, has 28 people, and ten volumes of books, which can be seen in the "Shangyu Wucheng Hall". The ministers took it and looked at it, and still ordered Cui Rong, a member of Fengge House, to write a preface, called "Baozhang Ji", to bestow Fang Qing and make the government and the public prosperous.
The Wang family loves collecting books and has a large collection of books. Their ancestors Wang Xun, Wang Tanshou, Wang Jian, Wang Tai, etc. were book collectors in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. The family has a collection of thousands of books, some of which are in the national library. He took office in the pavilion and his collection of books has a long history. Many old family records are scattered and scattered, and they have been carefully edited and filled in. According to history, "there are many books, not only the secret pavilions, but also many different copies of the pictures." Empress Wu once visited him to ask for the authentic works of his ancestor Wang Xizhi. He said: "I have more than 40 pieces of paper from my uncle Xizhi in the tenth generation." Some of the collections are not even collected by the three secret pavilions. Then he went to the Cheng family to collect various famous calligraphy calligraphy calligraphy, nearly forty kinds of them. After death, all the disciples could not keep their possessions, and they all scattered and perished. He is the author of more than 200 volumes of "Rites and Questions", "Wei Zheng Gong's Admonitions" and miscellaneous works.