Location: Aire Church, bought by Caleb, a businessman, for 500 Luen.
Unlocking props: animal bone arrow, animal bone arrow (with arrow feather) and bone nail.
Notes made by wandering soldiers II
Location: Aire Church, bought by Caleb, a businessman, for 500 Luen.
Unlocking props: lighting stone, robust beef jerky, robust white jerky.
Record wandering soldiers
Venue: Gefu Bridge-Shengren Bridge, Nim Chimpsky. After crossing the bridge, you can see a businessman on the right. You can buy it by talking to him.
Unlocking props: pickled turtle neck meat, animal bone poison arrow, animal bone poison arrow (with arrow feather) and animal bone crossbow.
Wandering soldiers make notes four
Location: It can be purchased from wandering ethnic merchants. 1500 Luen.
Unlocking props: bait pot.