Zheng Junzi Zhongyu, Dongping Rencheng people also. Read less yellow and old books. My brother is a county magistrate and received a good gift. Always exhorting him, not listening. That is, I escaped as a servant. After I was 40 years old, I got money and silks and gave them back to my brother. He said: "Everything can be redeemed. I will sit still for the officials and give up for life." My brother felt his words, so he was honest. They are all righteous and stern, raising orphans and widows, and being grateful. It is often called a family court, not a county court. The county can do whatever it wants, so that the county magistrate can do whatever he wants, and he can't bend when he arrives. They are all guests of Puyang.
In the third year of its establishment, Stuart Baoyu did it, but later he didn't mean to speak out. Six years, bus characteristics. Move to Shangshu again, plan to remonstrate, and respect it. Later, he begged for bones in spite of illness, worshipped Lang and told him to go back. Because he was ill, the emperor gave him clothes.
In the first year of Yuanhe, he wrote to the Governor of Lujiang and Minister Dongping, saying, "Talk about Lang, be humble, be diligent, be confidential before, be an official in spite of illness, be kind and loyal, and be yellow-haired." Anyi ordered Mao Yiqian to bow down, compare illness and purity, and Dongzhou called benevolence. The book doesn't say:' Zhang Jue has many, which is auspicious!' It gives a thousand greetings to Jun and Igu, and often asks the Dragon Officer in August to give sheep wine, which shows that it is different. "The following year, Dong toured Rencheng, and finally gave him a gift, hence the name" Bai Shangshu ". Yong Yuan Zhong died at home.
Zheng Junchuan's Translation of the Book of the Later Han Dynasty
Zheng Junzi Yu Zhong was born in Dongping Rencheng. I liked Huang Lao's books when I was young. My brother is a county magistrate. He received many gifts from others. Zheng Jun advised him many times, but my brother wouldn't listen. Zheng Jun left to work for others. After more than a year, he got the money and gave it back to his brother. He said, "When things are used up, you can take them again. If you take bribes for officials, your life will be over. " My brother appreciates his words and will be honest in the future. Zheng Jun has a good conscience, raising orphans and widows, and being kind and polite to others. It is often said that you should not be recruited by counties because you are at home due to illness. The county magistrate insisted that he go, so much so that the county magistrate lied that he would come to his house. Zheng Jun went to the county magistrate's house, but the county magistrate finally failed to make him yield. Zheng Jun then hid in Puyang as a guest.
In the third year of Jian 'an (78), Situ Baoyu recruited him, and later told him bluntly that he didn't arrive. In the past six years, the emperor moved to Shangshu by bus, offering many suggestions, and Su Zong respected him very much. Later, he excused himself due to illness, worshipped him as a negotiator and returned to China. Because he was seriously ill, the emperor gave him clothes.
In the first year of Yuanhe (84), the imperial edict told Lujiang Taishou and Dongping Xiang: "Negotiate, cultivate poverty, respect frugality, have secrets before, retire due to illness, be loyal, and don't be lazy." Anyi ordered Mao Yi to be modest, restrained, ill-mannered, breezy, and Dongzhou called benevolence. Shangshu does not mean' praising those who have Changde for good governance'. Zheng Jun and Mao Yigu should be given a thousand congratulations. In August, they often express their condolences to the chief executive and give him sheep wine as an unusual gesture. "In the second year, Dong toured Rencheng, went to Zheng Jun's home, and ordered people to be put to death, so people at that time called him' White Book'. Yong Yuan Zhong died at home.
2. Translate the original text of Sleeping in the West in classical Chinese.
When the right army was ten years younger, the general liked it very much and slept in his tent. The general tastes first, but the right army has not yet started. After a while, money and people talk about things. Forget the right army in the account, and then speak out against the plot. You Junjue listened to his words and knew that there was no living truth, but Yang spit dirty bedding on his head and face and couldn't sleep. Only by saying that you can get twice the result with half the effort did you remember that the right army had not yet started. Xiang was shocked and said, "It must be removed!" When I opened my account, I found myself spitting, and the letter actually fell asleep, so I got it all. People at that time called him a wise man.
To annotate ...
(1) Wang Youjun: Wang Xizhi.
(2) Minus: insufficient, less. ; Minus ten years: less than ten years old.
(3) General: Wang Dun, general of Jin Dynasty.
(4) what; Very; Very.
(5) Constant: constant, constant.
(6) Taste: once.
A moment: a moment.
(8) Qian Feng: Name, word world instrument. He joined the army for Wang Dun, helped Dunton rebel against King, and was later killed.
(9) Screen: Turn on "Stop" to let the man quit the retreat.
(10) Sleep: Wake up.
(1 1) both: but.
(12) Yang: Toarey Yang "installs" clothes.
(13) Deception: Pretend.
(14) which: familiar.
(15) phase: * * together.
(16) and: and so on.
(17) From: Through "vertical".
From (18): the pronoun of the third person, replacing his position.
(19) Reality: Indeed.
When Wang Youjun (Wang Xizhi) was less than ten years old, General (Wang Dun) liked him very much and often let him sleep in his own account. Once the general was the first to come out of the tent, but the right army was not up yet. After a while, Qian Feng came, and the two refused to discuss the rebellion with others, forgetting that the right army was still under the account, and they plotted the details of the rebellion together. When Wang Youjun woke up and heard what they were plotting, he knew that he definitely had no reason to live, so he dug out the water with his fingers, stained his face and bedding, and pretended that he was still sleeping. Halfway through the discussion, Wang Dun realized that Wang Youjun had not got up yet. They were shocked and said, "I must kill him." When they opened the curtains and found that the right army still had saliva on his mouth, they believed that he was still sleeping, so the right army's life was saved. At that time, people praised Wang Youjun's intelligence.
3. Who can help me translate this classical Chinese? Wang Xizhi of Jin Dynasty, named Shao Yi, is the son of Wang Kuang.
At the age of seven, he was good at calligraphy. At the age of twelve, he saw the book Bi Shuo, which was talked about by the previous generation, and stole it from under his father's pillow. His father said, "Why did you steal my secret book?" Wang Xizhi smiled and didn't answer. His mother asked, "Are you looking at brushwork?" Seeing that he was young, his father said to Xizhi, "When you grow up, I will teach you calligraphy." I bow down to you. Now let my son read this book. Looking at it when you grow up will delay your child's early development.
Father was very happy and gave him the book at once. In less than a month, calligraphy has made great progress.
When Mrs Wei knew this, she told Taichang Wang Ce, "This child must be reading" Using a Pen ". I saw his calligraphy recently and became an old man. " He said with tears, "This child will definitely overshadow my reputation in the future."
When Emperor Jin was in the Jin Dynasty, he offered sacrifices to the northern suburbs and changed his classes. Craftsman Xihe lettering, incisive brushwork.
4. Analysis and Translation of Answers in Classical Chinese; Shimen's strict real name was like reading when he was a child, but he lived in a remote and humble place and couldn't get books, so he borrowed Selected Works and its notes from his friends. After reading for several months, you can recite it. There is an old man in the same village who has a Historical Records at home. He went to borrow it, but he didn't agree. He asked to watch it at his house. The old man was short of firewood all his life, and it happened that Yan's family had a mountain farm, so he asked the old man to allow him to carry firewood for him every day (in exchange for the right to borrow historical records), and the old man promised him. After breakfast, Yan took firewood and pen and ink to read, and it took several months to finish. Later, he was recruited as a tribute student, took part in the provincial examination, and even sold land to buy thousands of books, studying day and night, enriching his knowledge. Yan likes to copy books, and all the poems of Jiu Jing, San Shi, Lao, Zhuang, Guan, Xun, Han Fei, Mozi, Han and Du Fu are copied. His articles are vigorous and powerful, and his style is similar to that of Mid-Levels Old Spring, but he never writes much. He once said: "If the article is used to convey the truth and the truth is not sufficient, then the literary spirit will not be rich. How can it be achieved only by rhetoric? " I haven't learned enough. I should read more books in ten years, and I plan to write again in forty years. "
Excerpt from "Baidu Know"
5. For Yu Qian's classical Chinese biography, please define the field of Buddhism and Taoism. People don't exceed ten acres, and the rest are distributed to the poor. From it. Yongle was first called Shao Qing of Dali Temple. Letters will come from time to time. In Wen Jian, those who say that they have changed the old system are familiar with it. Modesty is to confess before you say anything. Seeing his humility, the emperor smiled and said, "This gentleman is old and Buddha's ear." Shi Fu asked. However, the system of restricting fields by monks and Taoists has actually disappeared. Duchayuan's charges of fraud are accurate.
The examples cited by Hong Wu are too thin to generalize. Zou Qian: "The imperial edict has no intention of condemnation, and fraud is the staff." The emperor followed it. The disaster in Cang Wei, Tianjin, burned hundreds of thousands of stones. The suggestion that the owners misappropriate more and set themselves on fire. If you arrest hundreds of people, you should compensate the dead. Modesty and extravagance will be reduced.
In seven years, the emperor toured the north, and the crown prince played modesty as the right deputy capital. Next year, let's give Du Xun Huai, give Feng Zai rent-free and redeem the children. I beg your pardon next year, and the Prince said, "The army and the people are in great need, but your Majesty and others calmly ask for help. How can Ji An be like a man? " Looking for the grain of Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Songzhu, it was defeated by South, Beijing, Xuzhou and Huai 'an. Rich people have points, the rate is close to the ground, and poverty is far away. Money is suggested to be divided into four grades: the least grain is transported to Beijing, the least grain is transported to Xuzhou, the more grain is transported to Nanjing and Huai 'an, and the less grain is kept at home. People benefit from it. Moreover, the floods in Xuzhou and Lvliang made navigation difficult. Please give your husband a salary increase of 200 pounds a month. Niu Yi, an official, listens to the people in his spare time to plow the fields, and the ship supports him. People find it convenient. If you try to transport wood, you will suffer from a pandemic. Modest order to disperse, epidemic rest. A few days later, I got the opportunity to be the governor of Zhejiang.
Injong acceded to the throne, recalled and changed to Dali Temple. After Lu was promoted, he valued Cheng very much, and Qian recommended Yan Ben as the temple owner. The emperor's attitude towards the prison is cautious, and modesty is also carefully exerted. Where the Ministry of Justice and Sifang were imprisoned, I humbly asked for peace and waited for four replies. The sommelier said, "He has no regrets, but I have no regrets." Seven things that should be said in a taste letter are all related to current events. Others say that what they say is not a secret, and the city is grateful to the outside world. The emperor was very angry and drove Shao Qing down. One day, Yang Shiqi finished playing and never came back. The emperor asked, "What do you want to say? Is it because of Yu Qian? " Because of his hypocrisy, Shi Qi was modest and prudent in dealing with the Three Dynasties, and won the title of minister. The emperor said, "I regret it, too." He was reinstated. Xuanzongli said modestly: "Under the old system, all those who committed capital crimes were sentenced to life imprisonment. Today's crimes are different, and it is appropriate to divide the years according to the severity. " Report it. Xuande died in March of the following year. Modest, elegant and dignified. Painting poetry, conceit is the only hope. Su Zan, assistant minister of the Ministry of Industry, is humble and persistent, so he is tall and big.
6. Translation of the classical Chinese "Gourmet" Xing De, a native of Zezhou, is also a master of Qinglin. He can shoot an arrow with a strong crossbow, which is called stunt.
But it is not conducive to making a living and going out to lose money. Dajia, the capital of two cities, is always happy and happy, and there is nothing to rely on on on the way.
In the early winter, two or three appraisers took time off as capital and invited the same dealer. Xingfu ran out of money and merged the goods. There is a friendly prophecy, and because of this, You Zhan said: "This is a' regret'. What you have done, even if there is no mother and son, will be detrimental."
Xing is unhappy and wants to stop. The guests have to hurry. Symbol of all fruits.
Half a month later, a horse will leave Beijing, and it's boring to think about celebrating the New Year without Beijing. When it's foggy in the morning, I go to the roadside shop to unpack and find something to drink.
I saw an old man awarding prizes * * * two teenagers playing in the north, and a teenager was waiting for his yellow hair. Chineydy's seat in the south, stopped for a while.
I accidentally turned over the furniture and stained my clothes. Young people get angry and immediately pick their ears.
Take a towel and try it for the old man. Both hands and thumbs can be seen, all with iron arrows, half an inch thick, each weighing about two or two.
After eating, the boy was ordered to dig out the iron pot in his purse, pile it up a few times, weigh it and take it. When he can have a few drinks, it will be sealed and packaged. The boy took a black lame mule in the middle of the chariot, helped him get on and rode out.
The two teenagers each held a bow and arrow to catch horses. Xing took a look at Duo Jin, blinked his poor eyes next to him, met the flames, drank hard and ran to the finish line.
Seeing that the old man and the teenager were in front, they inclined out of the old man and bowed their heads and became angry. The old man leaned over his left boot and said with a smile, "You don't know gourmets?" Xing man leads an arrow.
Lie on your back in the saddle, spread your feet, open your fingers like pliers and hold the arrow. He smiled and said, "This is the skill. Why bother to defeat the enemy? " Xing was angry and did his stunt. One arrow just went off, and another arrow.
My hand dragged, as if it didn't stop it from getting married. The back arrow went through my mouth, but I stumbled and fell asleep. Tong also went down.
Xing said he was dead, not far from death. He jumped up and applauded and said, "Why did you play such a terrible play when we first met?" Xing was startled, and so was the horse, so that he knew the difference and dared not return.
After walking for thirty or forty miles, the value of discipline is wrapped in the capital. Take it. It takes a little money to lift the spirit. When Fang was sick, he heard hoofbeats and looked back. His legs were weak and he flew.
Scold: "Men don't do it! The hunted goods should be less. " Xingyue: "Do you know' Julian Arrow Mou Xing'?" Yun Tong: "I have learned enough."
Xingyi looks bad and has no bows and arrows, so it is easy. One shot and three arrows continue, like a flock of falcons flying.
Don't worry, hold hands, mouth to mouth. Smiled and said: "This skill is humiliating! It's a pity that I didn't find the bow in time. It's useless. Please throw it back at once. "
Then take off the shovel on your finger, put on the arrow, throw it with your hand, and the wind whizzes past. Xing hurriedly plucked the bow, and the string touched the shovel, which broke loudly and cracked the bow.
Xing was surprised, but he did not try to avoid it. His arrow went through his ear, and he didn't want to fall. When you get off the horse, you will look for it. Xing bowed his head and lay down, grabbed it, folded it in half, folded it in half, and threw it away.
Yes, I have two arms in one hand and two legs in one foot. If my arm is tied and the stock is crushed, I can't move less. The belt can be folded with three fingers, pinched with one hand and broken into ashes.
After receiving the gold, he mounted his horse, raised his hand, shouted "Meng Lang", and Huo Ran went straight away. Gui Xing, who died for fertile soil, told everyone about the past.
This has nothing to do with Dongshan Liu. There was a man named Xingde, who was an outlaw.
He is famous for his strong archery. However, good archery did not bring him good luck.
When he goes out for business, he often encounters bad luck. As a result, he lost money instead of making money. Because of this, he was poor all his life.
But many of his friends, especially businessmen from north and south Beijing, are willing to go out with him and rely on his archery. One early winter, several businessmen offered to lend Xing De some money to help him do new business together.
People at that time believed in superstition. Before buying, Xingde went to a friend who knew divination.
A friend told him that even if he didn't lose money, he would never make much money. Xingde is very unhappy about this.
Because he doesn't have much money, if he loses money again this time, he can't even pay back the money he borrowed. Therefore, he wants to quit this business.
However, the businessman who lent him money dragged him anyway and set off in a hurry. When he arrived in the capital, his business was extremely unsatisfactory.
In the middle of the twelfth lunar month, Xingde rode out of the city gate alone. He was depressed at the thought of not making money during the Spring Festival.
Seeing an inn by the roadside, he unpacked and started drinking. At this time, under the north window of the inn restaurant, an old man with white hair and two teenagers are drinking, and a teenager with unkempt hair is standing at the table.
When they finished eating the table, the old man told the boy to take money out of his bag and pile it on the table. They will leave the inn after paying for food and drinks.
The boy pulled a mule out of the manger to help the old man ride well, and the boy rode on a thin horse and followed. When the old man and the young man walked a few feet away, the two teenagers picked up bows and arrows and rode behind them.
Xing de saw that they had so much money, and his eyes were almost burning with fire. He also dropped his chopsticks and followed them quietly.
It turned out that the old man and the young man didn't walk fast, so Xingde cut corners and soon ran ahead of them. He stopped the horse and suddenly drew his bow at the old man, only to see the old man slowly bend down and take off his boots on his left foot. He smiled and said to Xingde, "Don't you know gourmets?" Xingde also forgot to talk to him, pulled a bow and shot an arrow, but the old man seemed as calm as if he didn't see it. He lay on his back in the saddle, stretched out his feet, spread his toes and gripped the arrow from Xingde tightly.
He said to Xingde in a sarcastic tone: "With your skill, where do you need your grandfather to start work?" Xing De blushed with excitement. He used his unique skills to shoot one arrow after another at the old man. The old man grabbed an arrow with his hand, as if he couldn't prevent his second renju arrow, and fell off the mule's back with the arrow in his mouth.
The boy who followed him also got off the horse. Xingde was glad that the old man was killed by him.
Unexpectedly, as soon as I got to the old man, he vomited an arrow, jumped up, pointed to Xingde and said, "Why are you so rude when we first met?" Xing De was really taken aback. His horse was frightened and ran around for a while. Xingde realized that the old man was a strange man. He didn't even dare to look back and ran away despondently.
Xingde walked three or four miles and met a group of officials escorting gold and silver treasures. With his martial arts, he stole more than 1000 taels of silver.
Hearing this suddenly, he was a little proud.
7. Ruan Ji once said to him calmly, "I have been to Dongping at ordinary times and like the customs there."
Si Mazhao was very happy and named him Dongping Xiang. Attachment: The full text of Ruan Ji's biography is selected from Biography 19 of the Book of Jin: Ruan Ji, a word heir, and a Wei native.
Father Jun, Prime Minister Wei, is well-known in the world. Gorgeous in appearance, ambitious, proud and unique, willful and unruly, but his emotions are intangible.
Or close the door to read a book and stay indoors for a long time; Or climb the scenery and forget to return after a day. Read widely, especially Zhuang and Lao.
Drinking can make sound and play the piano well. When it was proud, it suddenly forgot its shape.
At that time, many people said they were stupid, but every brother's literature and art touched them and thought they were better than themselves, so they were different. My uncle and I went to Dong Jun, and Wang Chang, the secretariat of Yanzhou, invited me to meet him. I haven't said a word all day, so I can't measure it.
Jiang Ji, the captain of Taiwei, heard of his talent and wrote a note in Yidu Pavilion, saying, "Fu Weiming's virtue includes one thing. According to his position on the stage, the hero expects and the handsome man resists. " On the opening day, everyone thought he was a subordinate; Start with the book and go down first.
Lying on the Xihe River yesterday summer, Hou Wen was in a coma; Zou Zi was in the shade of the valley, and Wang Zhao accompanied him. Fu Buyi and Wei Dai lived alone in Teli, and the princes were polite and lived for the Tao.
Today I know nothing about Zou and Bu, but I have my own ignorance, which I can't call it. Fang will plow in the sun and lose the millet tax.
It is beyond reproach that the negative salary is not enough to make up for the call of officials. Seek back the wrong grace, lightly. "
At the beginning, if you can't help it, you should remember it gladly. Send a pawn to meet the enemy, but the book is gone, and he is furious.
So the villager Yu Yu is a collector. Thank you for your illness.
Back in business, when he was young, he was exempted from illness. And Cao Shuang Fuzheng, called to join the army.
The screen is out of town because of illness. When you are in your forties, you will be happy, and when you are young, you will have foresight.
Xuan Di is a teacher, and his whole life has been devoted to matching Chinese and Langs. The emperor collapsed and worked as a corps commander for Jingdi Mansion.
Aristocratic township officials acceded to the throne, sealed off customs, and moved away to ride the constant attendants. This book is based on the ambition to help the world. Belonged to the Wei and Jin Dynasties. There are many reasons in the world, but few celebrities. The reason is nothing to do with the world, so drinking is common.
When Wendi wanted to propose to Liang Wudi, he was drunk for 60 days and couldn't stop. The clock will ask it about current events, and all the crimes it wants to cause will be exempted from being drunk.
Emperor Wen assisted in the administration of state affairs, so he calmly said to the emperor, "I have traveled to Dongping all my life and enjoyed its customs." When the emperor is happy, he worships Dongping.
Take the donkey to the county seat, the rotten house will be screened, the inside and outside are relative, the method is simple, and it will be returned in ten days. The emperor led the general to engage in a corps commander.
There is a saying that a son killed his mother, so he said, "Hey! Kill your father, even your mother! " The nanny blamed him for his gaffes. The emperor said, "Killing your father is the most abominable thing in the world, but what do you think?" Ji said, "Animals don't know their fathers. Kill their fathers, animals and so on.
Kill the mother if the animal doesn't do it. "This is Yuefu.
It is said that the people in the infantry kitchen camp are good at making wine and have 300 bottles of wine, so they want to be the captain of the infantry. After leaving the world, although I left my job, I always traveled to the house, and banquets were inevitable.
Will the emperor ask his uncle, or will he persuade him to let the book resign? Shen Zui forgot to write, so I went to the yamen to get it, and according to the case, I saw that the party was drunk and fell asleep.
The messenger told me that the case was written and it was not allowed to be changed. The words were very clear and powerful, which was very important at that time.
Although the book is informal, it has far-reaching influence and is outspoken. And filial piety, mother died, is playing Go with others, asking to stop and stay and gamble.
Then he drank two barrels, raised the number one, and vomited blood for several liters. And will be buried, eat steamed chicken gizzards, drink two glasses of wine, and then face tactic, frankly poor, raise a champion, because of vomiting blood several liters, ruined bone barren, almost caused disaster.
Pei Kai went to hang up, handed it out, looked straight at it drunk, and went after his condolences. Or ask Kay: "Who hangs up, the Lord cries, and the guest is a gift.
Don't cry, why are you crying? Qi said, "Ruan Ji is a foreign scholar and has no respect for etiquette. I am a layman, so I pretend to be a railcar. "
When people sigh, they get two things. Books can also be blue eyes. When you see people with customs, you can read them with white eyes.
Ji Lai hanged himself, lost his eyes and retired with joy. I'm glad my brother Kang heard about it, but that's because of the wine and the piano. I'm glad to see it.
So polite people are enemies of illness, and the emperor protects them every time. Sister-in-law tasted mothering and said goodbye.
Or ridicule it, saying, "courtesy is evil for me!" " Neighbors * * * have beautiful women and sell wine. After tasting and drinking, you are drunk and lying on your side.
This book is neither self-doubt nor paranoid. Female soldiers are brilliant and unmarried until they die.
I don't know my father and brother, but I have been crying and paying tribute to them. The same is true of being frank on the outside and pure on the inside.
When you drive alone, you can't help crying because you are poor by roads and tracks. Watching the Chu-Han War, he sighed, "When there is no hero, Lizi becomes famous!" Climbing the Wu Prison Mountain, looking at the capital and sighing, therefore, I assigned "Hero Poetry".
Jingyuan died in the winter of four years, at the age of 54. Books can be returned to the text, not to think at first.
He wrote more than 80 poems about breasts, which is of great significance to the world. The book On Dazhuang describes the value of inaction.
Many words were not recorded. I tasted the skill of meeting Sun Deng in Sumen Mountain, mutually assured destruction with Shang Lue, and guiding the spirit, but I shouldn't climb it, so I quit because of the noise.
Halfway up the mountain in the middle of the ridge, I heard the voice of husband and wife. It sounded like a rocky valley, and that was the roar of boarding. Therefore, it belongs to the biography of Mr. Adult, which briefly says: "The world is called a gentleman, while the law is a practice and the ceremony is a gram.
Holding a GUI pen, stepping on the rope and ink. What you want to do is the present, and what you want to say is infinite.
Less known as the township party, longer known as neighboring countries. I want to find out the three public figures, but I don't lose Kyushu.
I didn't see lice alone, but escaped from a deep crack and hid the bad sheep, thinking I was lucky. Dare not leave the seam, dare not leave the crotch, and think that there is a rope of ink.
However, when the mountain fire flows, the scorched land destroys the capital, and the lice are in the water and can't get out. What's wrong with a gentleman's place "This is also the mind of this interest.
The translator of Ruan Ji Zhuan is a descendant of Ruan Ji, a member of the Wei family, and his father Ruan and Prime Minister Wei are famous all over the world. Ruan Ji's appearance is beautiful and handsome, his ambition is open and unrestrained, he is proudly independent, willful and unconstrained, and his emotions are not revealed.
He reads widely, especially Lao Zi and Zhuangzi. He is an alcoholic and can scream, but he is also good at playing the piano.
When he was proud, he forgot his own form and behavior. At that time, people often said that he was insane. Only his brother Ruan often praises and admires him, thinking that he has surpassed himself, so everyone praises his strange talent.
Ruan Ji has the ambition to serve the world. During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the world was changing, and few celebrities could save themselves. Therefore, Ruan Ji did not participate in the world and often got drunk. Wendi Si Mazhao wanted to propose to Ruan Ji as Sima Yan, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty. Ruan Ji was drunk for sixty days, and Wendi didn't have a chance to talk.
Zhong asked him many times.