A golden tongue.
Xu Xuan once revised Shuo Wen Jie Zi with Zheng Zhong and others. His eloquence and knowledge were unparalleled at that time, and he was very competitive and liked to argue. Many bureaucrats dared to argue with him at that time.
Southern Tang Dynasty was a vassal of Song Dynasty. When Jiang Zuo (Southern Tang Dynasty) sent Xu Xuan to pay tribute, the Song government used to send an escort envoy (the envoy who accompanied the tribute) to accompany him. The courtiers in the DPRK were afraid that their eloquence was not as good as that of Xu Xuan, and the prime minister also found it difficult to select such talents, so he asked Mao for instructions.
Zhao Kuangyin said, "Stand down for the time being. I'll choose." . Soon, he chose an illiterate bodyguard and said, this person can. Zhongshu dared not ask the emperor for instructions again and urged him to go on his way. The guards didn't know what was going on, so they had to cross the river to meet Xu Xuan. At first, Xu Xuan's words were sharp, and Kan Kan talked about it in Kan Kan, and the onlookers were amazed. The guards didn't dare to say anything, so they could only answer well. Xu Xuan didn't notice, still yelling. They lived together for a few days, but the waiter still didn't reply to Xu Xuan, who was exhausted and never said anything again.
Rich people are capricious.
After the Southern Tang Dynasty was destroyed by the Song Dynasty, Xu Xuan became a minister of the Song Dynasty with a high rank. An interesting thing happened when he settled in Kaifeng to buy a house.
According to Wang Shizhen's Notes on Xiangzu, Xu Xuan bought a second-hand house in Kaifeng, signed a contract, paid the house price, and waited for the original owner to move out. Then he found that the original owner was too poor to even move the company. Xu Xuan said, "Didn't I give you the house price?" The original owner said with a bitter face: "I owe a debt, and I have to pay back the money for selling the house." Xu Xuan said: "This is easy. I'll pay you another house payment. " After that, he really paid the house again.
Others try their best to kill the seller's price when buying a house. He wanted to buy a house, but paid for two rooms. Money is willful!
A wick scented with the moon.
Xu Xuan likes incense and is also a master at making incense. Every moonlit night, he sits in the atrium, lights a wick, and is sincere with the moon. He called the fragrance he made "fragrance with the moon". "Yuexiang" is a famous fragrance with a long history, and its formula and production have been verified and restored in recent years.
"There is the fragrance of the moon, which is mainly composed of shrines, Wan Xiang, Styrax, chicken tongue, cardamom, frankincense and cogongrass rhizome. The compatibility of "Banyuexiang" incense is strict, and more attention is paid to the processing and blending of incense drugs.
Elegant fragrance, long fragrance and lasting fragrance; It has the functions of clearing away evil spirits, nourishing the mind, and harmonizing the body and mind. Suitable for studying piano room, meditation room and meeting guests. Accompanied by the fragrance of the moon, the fragrance is elegant, which has always been respected by later scholars and passed down from generation to generation, even in this world.
The night is as cool as water and the moon is as full as a plate. With the quiet moonlight, light a moon fragrance, put aside worldly troubles and enjoy the music of burning incense and enjoying the moon alone. When the fragrance fills the air and the bright moon is in the sky, you will sit quietly in the courtyard and enjoy it like heaven.
Don't eat roadside stalls
Xu Xuan grew up in a wealthy family and became a senior official as an adult. He lives a luxurious life and is used to it. He doesn't eat roadside stalls because he thinks roadside stalls are unsanitary and harmful to health.
According to Ding Wei's Tan Lu in Song Dynasty, Xu Xuan didn't eat roadside stalls. Other ministers went to the early dynasty because they were afraid of being hungry. When they see fried dough sticks on the road, they will buy some to satisfy their hunger. But he insisted on the principle: "the wine market does not eat." Don't drink the wine brewed by the workshop outside, and don't eat the snacks sold by the stalls. Every time he goes to court, he asks his family to prepare meals in advance, pack them and take them to the hospital to prevent leaks. Colleagues went out to buy breakfast, and he ate lunch by himself. Colleagues asked him why he didn't buy food. He pointed to a brightly lit and bustling breakfast stall at the entrance of the hospital and said, "Go directly to the village!" " Those stalls are dirty and messy, no different from brothels! And every time he entertains guests, he always sets a table in his home and never goes out to eat.
The current roadside stalls are unsanitary and synonymous with waste oil. Of course, eating out is not at home. However, there were no "high-tech products" such as gutter oil, broth essence, industrial salt and Sudan red in Song Dynasty. How could roadside stalls be unsanitary at that time?
Yuan Cai, a scholar-bureaucrat in the Song Dynasty, told us that there were also problems in food safety in the Song Dynasty: "Chicken stuffed with sand, goose blown, salt mixed with ash sold. ..... the rice is moist and the meat is filled with water. " The profiteers poured water into the meat, sprinkled water on the grain, mixed soil into the salt, stuffed sand into the chicken's stomach, inflated the geese and sheep, dressed up the rotten vegetables as fresh, and harmed consumers by various means! It seems that food safety problems have existed since ancient times.
Refuse to wear a sweater to catch cold.
Kaifeng is very cold in winter. Xu Xuan is a southerner and looks down on people who wear animal hair or thick linen short coats. Xu Xuan resolutely refused to wear such inferior clothes, and as a result, her body froze.
One day, after he got up in the morning to freshen up, he eagerly asked the waiter to take a pen to write his will. He finished writing and died at the age of 76. Xu Xuan had no children, and was sent to Bianjing under the protection of his master Zheng Wen. Hu Zhongrong was buried in Xishan, Nanchang.