Speaking of which, Yin Zhijun is indeed the best in Wang Zizhong. He has been smart and talented since he was a child. When he was young, he could write poetry and calligraphy. In addition, Yin Zhijun is also a leader in Wang Zizhong in riding and shooting. In his early years, he was once compared to Kangxi, who was good at riding and shooting. As a result, the two of them can't tell Zhong Bo apart.
Therefore, Kangxi was very satisfied with Yin Zhijun's civil and military ability, and let him participate in the sacrifice of the governor and the mausoleum early, on the one hand, to increase his knowledge, on the other hand, to cultivate his administrative handling ability. In the thirty-fifth year of Kangxi, Kangxi made a personal expedition to Galdin for the second time, and ordered Yin Zhi, who was 19 years old, to take charge of Hongqi Camp and participate in pacifying Galdin War.
Compared with previous visits to tombs and sightseeing, the battle was the first time that Yin Zhijun took part in state affairs seriously. In the battle, Yin Zhi not only commanded well, but also helped Kangxi solve problems everywhere, which made Kangxi feel comforted. After Kangxi triumphantly returned to Beijing, he found that Prince Yin Yong, who stayed in the capital to supervise the country, was in full swing and in power.
A great threat to his imperial rule. Therefore, Kangxi decided to enfeoffment the prince, assign assistant leaders, let the adult prince divide the government and formally participate in government affairs, so as to weaken Yin Ren's power. Because of his deep affection and close relationship with Yin Yong, Yin Zhi was appointed as the king of Duoluo County.
This is a second-class title only one level lower than Heshuo. Except for Yin Gui, the eldest son, who was named the county king of Doro like him because of his high martial arts, other adult princes who participated in the war were named the third-class title, Dorobelle. Later, under the arrangement of Kangxi, Yin Zhi not only participated in the state affairs, but was also assigned to imperial academy to edit some books on temperament and arithmetic.
Yin Zhi not only satisfied Kangxi in his studies and work ability, but also showed great filial piety. He greeted Kangxi in the morning and evening, being caring and attentive. Shortly before the abdication of the Prince, Kangxi came to Yin Zhi's house for the first time to attend his family dinner. Here, Kangxi enjoyed family happiness. From then on, he went to Yin Zhi's home for a family dinner every year, which later became the rule of Kangxi.