Quietness is used to cultivate one's character, frugality is used to cultivate one's virtue.
Source: A gentleman's journey is to be quiet to cultivate one's character and be frugal to cultivate one's virtue. Without indifference, one will not be able to clarify one's aspirations. Without tranquility, one will not be able to reach far. ---Zhuge Liang Note: The so-called "quietness to cultivate one's morality" is a spiritual state, and "quietness" is a kind of cultivation. Quietness can not only think, but also nourish one's nature and heart. Throughout history, most accomplished people stop by being still! In the process of meditation, your thinking on major issues in life may reach a higher level. As for being frugal to cultivate virtue, it is also a way to cultivate one's moral character. The improvement of virtue lies in the restraint on oneself, and "frugality" is a kind of restraint on oneself, which is undoubtedly beneficial to the cultivation of virtue! Media: On the landmark building under the CCTV Tower on the West Third Ring Road in Beijing, there is a calligraphy calligraphy by Colonel Ding Jiageng, Vice Chairman of the Beijing Calligraphers Association and Political Department of the General Logistics Department: "Quietness to cultivate one's morality."