Five emperors don't get together, three generations don't attack, and rule together. Not the opposite, it varies from time to time. Today, your majesty has made great achievements and established eternal achievements, which fools don't know. Besides, as Chun Yuyue said, this is a matter of three generations. How is it possible? Different governors compete with each other to recruit foreign students. Today, it has been decided that a decree will be issued. The people will take charge of the peasants and workers, and the scholars will ban them from learning decrees. Today's students don't learn from now, but from the past, so they are very confused.
The Prime Minister Si Mi said: The ancient world is scattered, and there is no way to be one. It is based on the combination of princes, and all words are harmful to the present, and the false is confusing. People are good at their private research and build on things that are not at the top. Nowadays, the emperor has the world, so don't decide on a black and white statue. Private school is related to illegal teaching. When people hear orders, they discuss them with their own knowledge. When they entered, they were insincere. When they left, they discussed it in the street. They praise the Lord by his name, choose differences by his height, and lead others to slander him. If this is banned, the main trend will fall and the party will succeed. This is forbidden.
I asked historians to burn all the records of the Qin Dynasty. Those who dare to have poems, books and hundreds of languages in the world without being doctors will carefully preserve and burn them. Some people who dare to talk about poetry and books have abandoned the market. Think of the past as a family that is not the present. Those officials are all guilty of the same crime if they don't mention it. If it doesn't burn for the next 30 days, it will be a city. Those who don't go, the book of planting trees. If you want to learn, you should take an official as your teacher.
I hope I can help you ~