Ji Guo was born in Maoling, Fufeng, and was gentle. Ji Guo had ambition and character when he was a teenager. During the reign of Emperor Aidi and Emperor Pingdi, he was recruited to the Confucius House, and after several promotions, he became a captain in Yuyang. When Wang Mang was in his reign, Ji Guo was appointed as Shanggu Yinda, and was promoted to move to Zhoumu. When the first emperor ascended the throne, the Sanfu area was invaded by soldiers one after another, and the people were surprised and afraid. Powerful clans and extended families unite to protect themselves, and no one wants to take the lead. The first emperor always heard Ji Guo's reputation and asked him to worship him as Zuo Fengyi to appease the people. When sai-jo ascended the throne, he was appointed as a priest in Yongzhou, and later transferred to the minister, offering advice and suggestions many times. ?
Jianwu four years? Ji Guo became the satrap of Zhongshan. In the second year, Chong Peng was destroyed, and Ji Guo became the prefect of Yuyang. Yuyang suffered from Wang Mang's turmoil. Coupled with the demise of Chong Peng, most people were cunning and poor, and bandits were everywhere. When Ji Guo arrived in Yuyang, he announced that the people would be rewarded for their meritorious service, and killed the thief's head, and the thief's head dispersed. At that time, the Huns invaded the county boundaries many times, and the border people suffered greatly. Ji Guo reorganized its military forces and designed a good offensive and defensive strategy. Because of fear, the Huns left far away and dared not invade the border again, so that the people could live and work in peace and contentment. Later, a thief from Yingchuan started to build Wu for nine years, and the court called him the satrap of Yingchuan.
After arriving in Yingchuan, he recruited hundreds of people, including robbers Yang Hong and Xiangcheng. All these people surrendered to Ji Guo, and Ji Guo sent them back to their hometown to farm. So he wrote to impeach himself and took the initiative. Guangwudi appreciated his strategy and didn't blame him for it. Since then, the henchmen of Zhao Hong, Wu Zhao and others have heard of Ji Guo's reputation and faithfulness, and some have defected from Youzhou and Jizhou in chorus. ?
Guangwudi, because Fang Lu occupied the north, he transferred Ji Guo as a state animal husbandry. When Ji Guo passed through the capital, he thanked him in court. Emperor Guangwu immediately summoned him, invited the Crown Prince and other kings to entertain Ji Guo, talked with Ji Guo all day, and gave him clothes for horses and chariots and daily necessities. Ji Guo took the opportunity to talk about the choice of personnel to supplement the official position, and should choose the world's wise men and heroes. Guangwudi accepted his opinion. Ji Guo, a newcomer, inspected the area under his jurisdiction and arrived in Meiji, Xihe. Hundreds of children rode bamboo horses to meet them at the roadside. Ji Guo asked, "Why did you come all this way?"
The children replied, "We are very happy to hear that Your Majesty is coming, so we come to welcome you." Ji Guo thanked them. When this was over, the children sent him out of the city again and asked, "When will your messenger come back?" Ji Guo told history not to drive. Today is a good day to tell them. After the patrol, he returned one day earlier than the scheduled date. Ji Guo didn't want to lose confidence in the children, so he stayed in Tian Ting and waited until the agreed date to enter the city.
At that time, many people in the imperial court recommended Ji Guo as a general, but Emperor Guangwu didn't recruit him, because there was a threat from Bing and Fang Lu at that time, and the Xiongnu had not been settled, so he wanted Ji Guo to stay here for a long time. Ji Guo knew that Fang Lu was an old thief, and it was difficult to subdue him with strength at once. Therefore, he often strictly abides by the beacon tower and publicly offers a reward for his arrest. General Sui Yumi of Fang Lu conspired to force Fang Lu to surrender to Ji Guo, and Fang Lu fled to Xiongnu. In the twenty-second year of Jianwu, he was recruited as a doctor in Taizhong, and was given the first place in the house. Qian Gu subsidized his family. Ji Guo always distributed it to nine families without reservation. ?
Ji Guo began to travel to the Ministry: Ji Guo just made his first patrol as a shepherd in Hezhou. Travel department, patrol.
Jimmie Xihe: Place names.
Do not drive: subordinate officials.
Wild pavilion: A pavilion in the suburbs.
Time (one day in advance): the agreed time limit.
Time limit (if necessary): the agreed time limit.
The Biography of Ji Guo in the Later Han Dynasty
Ji Guo's words are very good, and Fufeng Maoling is also a human being. With a little ambition, you can build a common mansion between sorrow and peace and move to Yuyang three times. When Wang Mang was still in Yin Da, he moved to Zhou Mu. Restarting Xinli, the third auxiliary company was attacked by soldiers, which shocked the people. They insisted that the right surname should support all camps, so they refused to attach it first. Start over, be famous for his fame and worship Zuo Fengyi, so that he can appease the people. Sai-jo acceded to the throne and worshipped Zhou Yong as a priest. Later, he became a minister, and several people devoted themselves to fighting.
Jianwu four years, out of Zhongshan satrap. Next year, when Chong Peng is destroyed, it will become the governor of Yuyang. Yuyang is far from the chaos of follwed. The key point is the defeat of Chong Peng, where there are many people, many villains and thieves everywhere. Take it, show it as a reward, correct the handsome canal, and the thief will be scattered. Xiongnu copied the county boundary several times, and the border was bitter. The Huns were afraid to go far and did not dare to rejoin the fortress, so the people got jobs.
After that, Yingchuan thieves started and worshipped Yingchuan satrap for nine years. In the county seat, hundreds of people including Mountain Thief and Xiangcheng Thief Wu were gathered. They all surrendered and were sent to join the peasants. Because it is illegal to live, the emperor is beautiful, not strange. , Wu and other party members and news came one after another, whether from the south of the Yangtze River or from Hebei, where he lived in seclusion.
The emperor took Fang Lu as the northern land, but transferred it to the state for grazing. After thanking the capital, the emperor introduced him, told the crown prince and the kings to feast all day and give clothes and things to horses and chariots. I choose to make up the whole post because of what I said and be a good person in the world. From the beginning of the travel department to the beautiful millet in Xihe, Dinazhi has hundreds of children, each riding a bamboo horse and greeting each other. Ji asked, "Why did Cao Cao come all the way?
"He said," I'm glad to hear that your majesty has arrived, so I've come to welcome you. "Draw politely declined. When the matter was over, the sons sent it back to Guo and asked, "When will your Majesty pay it back? "Not engaged in driving, daily notice. Now that the Ministry has returned it, it's a day in advance, which violates the trust of the children and stops at the wild pavilion. At that time, it was common for the court to raise more money. The emperor and the Ministry still have Lu's watch. The Huns are not safe. If you want it to last longer, you won't scream. Knowing that Fang Lu is a thief, it is very difficult for him to execute by violence. He has been waiting for him. He bought it and rewarded him.
Fang threatened Sui Yu to surrender, but Fang died in Xiongnu. In twenty-two years, he was recruited as a doctor in Taizhong, given room area and money to support his family, separated from Jiuzu and had nothing.