According to today's headline query, steamed bread dipped in ink is an allusion of Wang Xizhi. One day, Wang Xizhi was so absorbed in practicing calligraphy in his study that he forgot to eat. The maid brought him his favorite garlic paste and steamed bread to urge him to eat. He didn't seem to hear it, but he still buried himself in writing. The servant girl had no choice but to tell Wang Xizhi's wife. When his wife and servant girl came to the study, they saw Wang Xizhi deliver a steamed bun covered with ink to his mouth, which made his mouth black.
Wang Xizhi was born in Linyi, Langya (now Linyi, Shandong), then moved to Yin Shan, Huiji (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang), and lived in Jinting, a single county in his later years. He is a calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and he is known as the "Book Sage". Together with his son Wang Xianzhi, they are called "Two Kings". His calligraphy is good at calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, and by studying his body and mind, he got rid of the style of writing in the Han and Wei Dynasties and had a far-reaching influence.