Who is General Zuo, the wife of General Zuo Wang Ningzhi in Ode to Snow?

Wang Ningzhi, whose name is Shu Ping, is the second son of Wang Xizhi, the great calligrapher, and the younger brother of Wang Xianzhi. He was a general in Jiangzhou and will look at the civil history. Xie Daowen's husband, Xie Yi's daughter and Xie An's younger brother. I am convinced that when Sun En attacked Huiji, he didn't listen to his subordinates' advice and was unprepared. After praying, he believed that he invited "ghost soldiers" to help him, so he was killed with other scholars.

Who's Wang Ningzhi? Look at a record in Shi Shuo Xin Yu. "Thanked Mrs. Wang, big hydrophobic coagulation. If you give it back to Xie Jia, that's too much. The teacher comforted him and said, "Wang Lang, the son of Shao Yi, is not evil. Why do you hate Neil? A: "An Shu has Ada and Zhong Lang; If you follow your brother, you will be blocked, Hu, suppressed and ended. Unexpectedly, there is Wang Lang! " "Who is Mrs Xie? She is the famous Xie Daowen. Who is the teacher for? Xie An was the most famous in Jin Dynasty. Who are Feng, Hu, Yan and Duan? But there is only one "stop", and it will go down in history, and that is the commander-in-chief of the Battle of Feishui, Xie Xuan! There is also a resounding name in it. Run less. If there are only two names left in the Jin Dynasty, I think there is only one person besides Xie An: Wang Xizhi. Some people say that there are no nobles in China. This sentence is about modern China. According to the ancient saying, the origin of the nobility in China is much older than that in Europe. The two most famous aristocrats in history are "Xie Wang" of Jin Dynasty. Even now, from the historical records, we can still imagine the glory of these two ethnic groups in leading literature for so many years. Let's not talk about Xie Jia, just talk about the Wangs. Wang Dao Xie 'an and Wang Xizhi, prime ministers of Jin Dynasty, were sons of Wang Kuang and nephews of Wang Dao, while Wang Ningzhi was the second son of Wang Xizhi. The son of the world is more expensive than this? If Wang Ningzhi were still alive, I'm afraid some people who claimed to be Miss Zhou Gongzi Yi would also candidly admit defeat and remain silent, never boasting about famous horses again. It is an indelible glory in the history books, and it is forbidden to lock it in the books of future generations. It is the most prosperous aristocrat in the historical dust, but it is as clear as a god and does not threaten people with wealth.

Talented women and wives

If that's all, Wang Ningzhi can't call it happiness, but he married Xie Daowen, who is considered to be the most talented woman. "I can stop the machine, and I am very eager to learn." This Xu Xu has only one sentence, and that is Xie Daowen. How many romantic experiences does "If catkins don't rise from the wind" reveal? How many talented people and beautiful women have you killed? But it was Wang Ningzhi who mentioned Qi Mei with her. So this Wang Ningzhi became the happiest person in the world. He was born in the most famous family, had the most famous father and married the most famous wife. It happened that he grew up in the most famous romantic era. And Shi Shuo Xin Yu, a masterpiece of a man with lofty ideals, also has his colorful brushstroke, which makes the name behind him still shine today. If he is unhappy, who else is happy? Some people will say that this record from Shi Shuo Xin Yu Speech speaks ill of Wang Ningzhi, that Xie Daowen despises Wang Ningzhi and speaks ill of him in front of Xie An! Yes, "There is Wang Lang in the earth!" In other words, I can't think of such a bad person as Wang Ningzhi between heaven and earth. It's really "big and thin", but if you read these eight words carefully, does it contain disgust or a child's Chen Jiao meaning? Did Xie Daowen really want to kill Wang Ningzhi, or did he just regret it? I think it is the latter rather than the former. There is Wang Lang in the world, and there are endless charming feelings, which have nothing to do with disgust.

Husband and wife stay together.

Wang Ningzhi is not a talented person, nor is he a representative of romantic life in Wei and Jin Dynasties.