In February and April, the wind blew sand, the sky was dark and the sky was ringing. If so, it will be ten days. On the first day of March, there were three earthquakes in the capital, especially in Gan Qing Palace. If the emperor is at odds with his body, human feelings are hard to fear. Su Li made ten mistakes in respecting Chen Shi's political affairs. Finally, he said, "Your Majesty hates being a small official, and the people are jealous. So, he copied fur, don't make a mistake. Taking care of Zhao Rao today, the ban is near the end of the Tang Dynasty, and Xiao Qiang is more worried than the enemy. The court has no ambition, and there is no compromise on the side. When the country is in danger, those who do bad things will protect humiliation and failure. If you don't advance, you will be virtuous, and if you retreat, you will rot. A benevolent person is like hatred. Doesn't your majesty only care about the country? " Wei Zhongxian was furious and went to court to hit people. In order to earn a year's salary, Xie Han tried to save money.
Yang Lian disintegrated Zhong Xian and ordered him to give up. Respectful of anger and resisting neglect, Jane said, "All the houses in the world are close to their luck. Wei has moved, but where is Lanti?" Aggressive people in the world, both at home and abroad, want to eat their meat, but who can be left behind? Your majesty must think that Qu Jin is available, I don't know whether it is Xiao Qu Jin or Xiao Wuji; I must think that I am the only one who can control it, but if I don't know that I can't control it, I can't control it. Since your majesty reached the top, your majesty has been urging you to make the incumbent have no ambition. We don't call it isolation, but isolation of unsealed services. Today, loyal ministers are in a state of lawlessness, and courtiers have nothing to hide. If your majesty doesn't break it early, he will see his poverty and have to worry. Loyalty will not accept its longitudinal reins, but purify its stomach; A loyal private will not return to his past, but erase his iceberg. At first, it was an enemy of literati, and then it was supreme. The firewood fence is impregnable. Who is poisoned? This is not only the weakness of remonstrance in Taiwan Province Province, but also difficult to convince the public. "The more loyal you are, the more hated you are.
Wan Yi was not only the aide of the imperial court, but also the advice of the aide, which was disputed by hundreds of officials. Hundreds of people crowded into the cabinet, shouting and cursing, and cabinet ministers bowed their heads and dared not speak. Su Zun said sternly, "The cabinet is so clumsy that even the minister of rites dare not come without giving orders. If you are rude, come here! " Anyway, it's just a little scattered and it's a heavy death. Zunshang said, "As the saying goes, if you don't rebel, you won't die. Today's loyalists have succumbed to the cruelty of gnashing their teeth. This generation will tell Yan Yan that with the help of the emperor, we can whip hundreds of people. Later generations mastered Dong Hu's calligraphy, followed by Zhu's Compendium, which read' One day, a doctor died under the imperial power'. Virtue is never too tired! Entering the imperial court is called the ancestral system, but I don't know that the second is the world, Wang Z.
Respect the truth, dare to speak, and have great foresight. When he first entered Taiwan, Zou Yuanbiao helped him, that is, he entered the rules and said, "Xu Wenzhen has long said that no door is a place to give lectures." Yuan Biao cannot be used. Yang Lian will hit Zhong Xian, and Wei Dazhong will tell him. Zunsu said, "Apart from the monarch, there must be internal help. Yang's public ownership? If you don't do this, we will be useless. " If you die, you will be laughed at; If you don't follow, you will die in disaster. Lieutenant General Wei Guangwei said to Su Jing, "If you are lenient, you will be ashamed. If you are anxious, you must take risks. " Large and medium-sized enterprises do not obey, and they are wide and low-profit and suitable for honest people.
At that time, Lin Dong Ying Chao considered himself a close friend of the village. There is a gap between Jiangxi and Dazhong between Zhang Yunru and Chen Liangxun, but Dazhong is not willing to refute Shang Zhongshu's T-shirt. Dazhong respects the urgent word, stop it. Finally, Yin and Pan of Shanxi wanted to take advantage of their positions. Guo Shangyou was the governor of Shanxi, and Dazhong put forward some questions to his business friends. It is important to respect the number of Du Zhengnan's relics in Luo Zhong, but it cannot be a pawn. It is difficult to discuss the use of Xie.
When classical Chinese imprisoned Wang, Zhong Xian wanted to arrest everyone. If there is, knowing is a matter of respect and understanding, and so is hating. The party also wants to kill him to respect his elements and wisdom. Wu Zhong will correct his words and respect his factors to influence Yang Yiqing to punish Liu Jin and use Shi Li as Zhang Yong to give him a secret plan. Loyalty and fear, sent someone to stab Wu Zhongfan for four generations. Assistant minister Wu Cheng was playing at home when he remembered Zhong Xian and said, "Something is wrong." Therefore, the Japanese envoy sent him to be honest, took the names of seven people, including his empty seal and white seal, entered Zunsu and was arrested. When he arrived in Suzhou, the messenger captured Zhou Shunchang's flag bearer alive in the city and Zunsu alive outside the city. I'm afraid to come if I catch someone. Text, namely prison uniform, official document and prison letter. Xu Xianchun and Cui Yingyuan plundered everything and seized 2,800 stolen goods. They chase it every five days. Knowing that the jailer would hurt himself, he kowtowed to Xie, wrote a poem and died at the age of 43. At the beginning of Chongzhen, it was given to Taifuqing and Hezi. Axe king, chase the stone clock.