original text
Wang Xizhi of Jin Dynasty was a man of few words and broad mind. A good book at the age of seven. At the age of twelve, I saw the previous generation of Bi Shuo at my father's bedside and secretly read it again. Father said, "Why did you steal my secret?" Xi smiled and didn't answer. Mother said, "Look at the brushwork." Father thinks it is too small to keep a secret. Xi's language says, "I'll teach you when you are an adult." At the invitation of Xihe, use it today to make adults fear children's orders. Father was very happy, so he followed. If the month is not profitable, the book will make great progress. When Mrs Wei saw this, she kept talking. Wang Ce said, "This son must read the book" Using a Pen ". Read his book carefully and you will have wisdom. " Snoring like thunder, he said, "This child will stamp my name." When the Jin emperor offered sacrifices to the northern suburbs, he even wished the edition and made a work cut. Thirty-three, the book "Preface to Lanting Collection". Thirty-seven, book Huang Tingjing. Talking to yourself is really friendlier than Zhong. (Excerpted from Zhang Huaiguan's book "Broken Wang Xizhi in the Tang Dynasty")
Wang Xizhi of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was a rare genius with few words. At the age of seven, he was good at calligraphy. /kloc-when he was 0/2 years old, he saw the ancient "Bi Shuo" on his father's pillow and stole it. Father asked him, "Why did you steal my secret book?" Wang Xizhi just laughed and didn't answer. Mother said, "Look at the skill of using a pen in calligraphy." Father thinks he is young and is afraid that he can't keep a secret. He said to Wang Xizhi, "I'll teach you when you grow up." Wang Xizhi sincerely asked his father, "Give it to me now. If you wait until adulthood, I am afraid that you will bury your childhood talents. " Father was very happy and gave it to him. In less than a month, calligraphy has made great progress. When Mrs Wei saw it, she said to Wang Ce, the official of Taichang, "Wang Xizhi must have read Bi Shuo. I recently read his calligraphy and developed a mature and steady style. " Mrs. Wei said with tears, "This child will definitely be more famous than me." During the Jin Dynasty, the imperial court held a sacrificial ceremony in the northern suburb of Beijing. When replacing the bamboo board, the worker should remove his handwriting (he found that the pen and ink had penetrated into the board for three points). (Wang Xizhi) wrote Preface to Lanting Collection at the age of 33, and Huang Tingjing at the age of 37. After writing, someone in the air said, "Your calligraphy has touched me, let alone ordinary people in the world." I am the husband of Tiantai, and I claim that real books (regular script) are better than Zhong You. "Most of Wang Xizhi's calligraphy is not a font.