Liu Gongquan is Gong Chuo's younger brother. At the age of twelve, he was good at ci fu, and in the early years of Yuanhe, he was selected as a scholar.
Li Rang saved our time, and the court recommended him as the minister in charge of the court, so he returned to the throne to write the paper. Emperor Mu Zong said, "I have seen your calligraphy in the Buddhist temple and have missed you for a long time." He was appointed right gleaning and library assistant. He was promoted twice again and was appointed foreign minister.
When the emperor asked Gong Quan about his writing skills, Gong Quan replied, "If you have a correct mind, you can learn calligraphy." At that time, the emperor was dissolute and indulgent. Gong Quan said these words, and the emperor changed color and understood that he was admonishing him by talking about calligraphy. Liu Zeng wrote to Li Zongmin, the prime minister, saying that his younger brother was determined to learn Confucianism, and the former emperor appointed him as assistant minister of books, much like the public, hoping to be a scattered official, so he was appointed as Dr. You and a bachelor of library science.
Emperor Wenzong also called him a bachelor of book service, and was promoted to the position of Chinese Book Sheren. Bachelor of letters in Hanlin Academy.
In the evening, Yu Ziting answered the emperor's suggestion. The candle burned out, but the words were not finished. The maid-in-waiting dipped paper in wax oil to light the lamp. The emperor accompanied him to Weiyang Palace. He stopped the car and said, "I have a happy event. The clothes of the frontier fortress soldiers could not be delivered on time for a long time, but they were delivered this spring equinox. " Gong Quan wrote dozens of words of congratulations, and the emperor said, "I should write poems to congratulate me." The ladies-in-waiting urged him to answer the poem with public power, which was pertinent and graceful. The emperor ordered him to write a poem for the second time, and he recited it casually without thinking. The emperor said happily, "Cao Zijian sings poetry in seven steps, and you only need three steps." I often answer the emperor's inquiries about six bachelors in the convenience hall. The emperor praised Emperor Wendi for his modesty and frugality, raised his sleeves and said, "This dress has been washed three times." The bachelors were full of praise, only Gong Quan remained silent. The emperor asked him, and he replied, "The emperor wants to select virtuous ministers, get rid of those who have no talent or virtue, and adopt the advice of hundreds of officials, with clear rewards and punishments. Wearing washed clothes, this is a small section, which is not good for governing the country. " A few days ago, I answered the emperor's consultation with Zhou Yong, and the public power's comments on political gains and losses did not cater to the emperor's likes and dislikes. Zhou Yong was a little nervous about him, while public power was more leisurely. The emperor said slowly, "You have the manner of admonishing a minister, so you can condescend to admonish a doctor."
In fact, he was demoted from the Chinese book, but he still became a bachelor and was responsible for writing letters.
In the third year of Kaicheng (838), the public power was transferred to the assistant minister of the Ministry of Industry. The emperor called him to ask about political gains and losses, and he took the opportunity to say, "Guo Japanese were ordered ... not our time, and parliamentary officials appreciated it very much." The Emperor said, "Guo Wo is the nephew of my late father and the uncle of the Queen Mother. There is nothing wrong with being an official. He was appointed as our ambassador from Dajinwu. What is worth discussing? " Gong Quan replied: "Japanese Guo is indeed a veteran with meritorious service, but people say that he was appointed because he presented two women to the palace. Is this true? " The emperor said, "How can you say that these two women have served the Queen Mother themselves?" Gong Quan said, "We should stay away from suspicion and not let it spread." Take Wang Guigui as an example. On the same day, the emperor ordered eunuchs to send two women back to Guo's Japanese home from Nannei Palace. There are many examples of public rights being loyal to the court. Promote public rights and be a bachelor.
Since Wu Zong proclaimed himself emperor, he was relieved of his bachelor's post and appointed as a regular waiter in Right Riding Middle School. Cui Xun, the prime minister, recommended him as a bachelor of Jixian College and presided over the affairs of Jixian College. Li Deyu was not happy, so he was reduced to the Prince's errand and was appointed as the Prince's guest. After several consecutive promotions, he was made Duke of Hedong County, served as a constant servant, and was promoted to Prince of Shao Shi. In the 13th year of Dazhong (859), the emperor held a court meeting on New Year's Day. Because of his forgetfulness of public power, he praised and congratulated the emperor in front of ministers and made a speech against the emperor's mistakes. Yushi impeached him and deducted his salary for one season. Parliamentary officials hate him for not retiring. In the early years of Xian Tong, he resigned as Prince Taibao. He died at the age of 88 and was posthumously awarded to the Prince.
Public rights are knowledgeable, proficient in Confucian classics, and more proficient in The Book of Songs, The Book of Songs, Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals, Mandarin and Zhuang Zhou. For every meaning explained, there must be dozens of words. He is proficient in music theory and skills, but he doesn't like playing music. He said: "Listening to it is arrogant and slack." His calligraphy is vigorous and beautiful in structure and unique. Emperor Wenzong once called him to participate in the literary activities of couplets.
The emperor said, "Everyone is bitter and hot, and I love long summer." .
Gong Quan continued: "The wind is coming from the south, and the temple is cold." Other bachelors followed suit. The emperor only recited the couplets of public rights, thinking that the words were beautiful and affectionate, and ordered the public rights to be written on the palace wall. The size of these words is five inches. The emperor praised: "The calligraphy of Zhong You and Wang Xizhi is no better than his!" When he was promoted to Prince of Shao Shi, Xuanzong asked him to write before the throne. He wrote three times on the paper, regular script, running script and cursive script. The emperor thought the treasure was hidden and gave him a treasure jade. And ordered him to write his own gratitude chapter, not limited to regular script or running script. At that time, the epitaph of the minister's family was not written by public rights, and people thought that future generations were unfilial. When foreigners come to pay tribute to the DPRK, they all write "This is Liu Gongquan's calligraphy" on another treasure. He once wrote the Diamond Sutra of Ximing Temple in Jingzhao, with calligraphy by Zhong You, Wang Xizhi, Ou Yangxun, Yu Shinan, Chu Suiliang and Lu Zhi, and Gong Quan considered it his masterpiece. According to statistics, there are tens of thousands of titles and gifts between officials, but the master collects them and the slave steals them. Gong Chuo once saved a basket of cups, bottles and cans with the same seal as before, but all the utensils were lost. The servant made an excuse, and Gong Quanxiao said, "The silver cup has wings and flew." No longer pursue, just inkstone, brush, pictures, calligraphy, books and records are locked and hidden in person.