Wang Lang, who lies flat on the bed, is the book sage Wang Xizhi. He was taken in by Master Xi and became the son-in-law of the Xi family. Nowadays, "Dong Chuang son-in-law" refers to an open-minded and talented son-in-law, which is the laudatory name of son-in-law
In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the gate system was "the king and the horse, * * * the world". The king here is Wang Dao, the most important figure of the Wang family in Langya and the founding father of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Ma was the first emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the first emperor of the Jin Dynasty. Si Marui in the ceremony of accession, let Wang Dao and he sat in the dragon chair to accept the worship of officials. Since then, "the king and the horse, * * * the world" has become a much-told story.
After the establishment of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, in order to gain the support of the big landlords, the Sima family continued to indulge and woo Wang Dao and other big families, forming a typical door-to-door politics.
There are strict restrictions on the marriage of the gentry, and they must have equal status before they can get married. For example, the famous talented woman Xie Daowen is the niece of Xie An, the prime minister of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. She married Wang Ningzhi, the son of Wang Xizhi. Wang Xizhi is the nephew of Wang Dao. His marriage can only be arranged among the gentry.
A teacher's son-in-law, Jane, who was then a teacher, had a beautiful daughter named Xuan, who was 28 years old. She was not only proficient in poetry, calligraphy and piano painting, but also had a first-class appearance and figure, and was the apple of her eye. At marriageable age, Dr. Xi began to marry his future son-in-law in several big families, hoping to find a good husband-in-law for his daughter as soon as possible.
Xi Taifu took aim at his colleague Wang Dao, who lived in Zaifu, a famous family in Wei and Jin Dynasties. The key is that there are many sons and nephews at home. He told Wang Dao about this idea, and Wang Dao readily agreed, saying, "We Wangs' boys, you can choose for yourself, and whoever you choose is who you choose. "
With Zaifu's promise, Taifu Xi chose a sunny day and asked the housekeeper to go to Zaifu's house with gifts to find out the news. The sons and nephews of the Wangs have long heard that there is a beautiful and versatile beauty in the Xi family. Now when they heard that the Taifu family had come to choose a son-in-law, they all gathered all their strength, dressed up and prepared to meet each other.
Twenty young talents lined up, and it took a long time to be a teacher's housekeeper. Any one of them can be worthy of his own young lady. How to choose? Just as the teacher's old housekeeper was dazzled, Wang Fu said that there was another person missing. So he led the teacher's old housekeeper to the study room of the East Cross Court, and saw a young man lying on his back on the bed near the east wall, sleeping soundly and indifferent to the teacher's search for a husband.
When Wang Xizhi, the son-in-law of Dongchuang, returned, she reported everything she saw in the Wangs' home truthfully. After listening to his eyes, Teacher Xi made a decision on the spot that stunned the old housekeeper. He wants to marry his daughter Fei Ovary to the naked young man, the son of Wang Dao's younger brother Wang Kuang. Before long, the master happily married his daughter to the Wangs.
At that time, this topless young man was Wang Xizhi, who was later famous for his calligraphy. Therefore, "Lingbian" or "Dong Chuang" became the honorific title for the son-in-law. The appellation of "Lingpi" or "Dongchuang" is generally used to refer to the son-in-law of the other party and the son-in-law of others.
Wang Xizhi's Preface to the Lanting Pavilion is highly praised by calligraphers of all ages and is known as "the best running script in the world".