It is said that after Qu Yuan threw himself into the river, the people of Chu were so sad that they flocked to the Miluo River to pay their respects to Qu Yuan. The fisherman got off the boat and fished his body back and forth on the river. A fisherman also took out zongzi, eggs and other foods prepared in advance and plopped them into the river, saying that if the fish ate them, they would not bite the doctor's body. An old doctor took an altar of realgar wine and poured it into the river, saying that he would stun the dragon with this medicine so that it could not hurt Dr. Qu. Soon, a dizzy dragon floated to the surface, and his beard was still covered with a skirt of Dr. Qu. People pull dragons ashore, pull them off their necks, then wrap them around children's hands and necks, and wipe their brains with realgar wine, so that those poisonous snakes and pests will not dare to hurt these children.
It is said that Qu Yuan threw himself into the river on May 5th. Since then, on May 5th every year, people have to row dragon boats, eat zongzi and drink realgar wine to commemorate Qu Yuan.
Qu Yuan once wrote many excellent poems, the most famous of which is Li Sao. In his poems, he denounced traitors, expressed his concern for the country and the people, and placed infinite affection on the grass and trees of Chu. Later, people thought that Qu Yuan was an outstanding patriotic poet in ancient China.