After growing up, Wang Xizhi's words are more and more cherished by the world. Once, Wang Xizhi went out to play and saw an old woman selling fans, who was worried because she couldn't sell them. Wang Xizhi took out pen and ink, wrote five words on each fan, and asked the old woman to say that this word was written by Wang Xizhi. Sure enough, in an instant, the old lady's fans were snapped up.
In the spring of 353, Wang Xizhi and a group of like-minded friends gathered in Lanting, Shaoxing, Zhejiang. The scenery of Lanting is beautiful: it is located in a famous mountain, surrounded by lush trees and slender bamboo; At the same time, the pavilion is surrounded by a clear stream.
Facing the beautiful scenery, Wang Xizhi and other literati were very happy, so everyone sat around the stream and put the glasses full of wine into the stream and let it drift. Whoever floats in front of the glass will drink a glass of wine and write a poem. Everyone is full of poetry and wrote many beautiful poems at this party. Later, Wang Xizhi compiled these poems into a book and personally prefaced them-Preface to Lanting Collection.
The preface to Lanting Collection is well written, but the calligraphy is better, because Wang Xizhi writes every word of the whole article perfectly. Preface to Lanting Collection has become an eternal Mo Bao, and has been praised as "the best running script in the world" by later generations. Later, almost all those who studied calligraphy copied the Preface to Lanting Collection. Wang Xizhi was also honored as a "book saint" by later generations because of his outstanding achievements in calligraphy.