The princes and princes in Xuzhou are even more endless. Liu's vassals were all over the Han Dynasty, so there is no need to elaborate. There are more than 20 people with different surnames who successfully fought alongside Liu Bang. Such as the tombs of Anguohou, Jiang Houzhou Bo, Yin HouGuan Ying, Xiao He, Cao Can, Zhou Chang, Fan Kuai and Xia Houying. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Zhao, a native of Pengcheng, was called the first counselor in Jiangdong. Liu Laozhi, a military commander in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Li Pan, the top scholar in the early Qing Dynasty, Li Jue, the prime minister of Yongzheng in the Qing Dynasty, and Liu Yong, a famous figure in the history of China.
Xuzhou has also nurtured generations of literati and artists. Wei Meng, a satirical poet in Pengcheng in the early Han Dynasty, Liu An, the king of Huainan who presided over the compilation of Huai Nan Zi, Liu Xiang, the originator of China bibliography, and Liu Xin, the son of Liu Xiang, wrote China's first catalogue, while Zhang Daoling, the founder of Taoism in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Liu Ling, one of the seven sages of bamboo forests in the Western Jin Dynasty, and Liu Yiqing in the Southern Dynasties compiled China's first notebook novel Shi Shuo Xin Yu and wrote China's first monograph on historical criticism. He wrote China's first political book, Zhengdian, and spent 23 spring and autumn periods in Xuzhou. He claimed to be a great poet in his hometown. Bai Juyi, one of the most important poets in the Tang Dynasty, was synonymous with Li Yu and lived in the Southern Tang Dynasty. Liu, the first person in China's couplets, Liu Lingxian, a talented woman in the Southern Dynasties who is known as "Liu Sanniang", and Zhang Zhupo, a literary critic in the early Qing Dynasty, were painters Wang He and Li Lan who won gold and silver medals at the Panama World Expo in 19 14 respectively. They were called "three wonders of poetry, painting and calligraphy" by educators in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China.
Zu Peng
Liu bang