Law graduation thesis outline

Law Graduation Thesis Outline

Whether in school or in society, everyone is familiar with thesis. Thesis is a means of researching certain academic issues. How to write an essay to avoid making mistakes? The following is the outline of my law graduation thesis. You are welcome to learn from it and refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Law Graduation Thesis Outline 1

Thesis title: A brief analysis of the causes and solutions to extended detention

Law Graduation Thesis Outline

[Abstract] The phenomenon of extended detention in criminal proceedings in our country has not been effectively curbed for a long time, and the systems that have been introduced to prevent extended detention have not been truly implemented. For this reason, this article elaborates on the concept of extended detention, the harmfulness Based on the reasons for its long-term existence, some countermeasures are put forward to solve the problem of extended detention: changing the concept of law enforcement and improving the quality of law enforcement personnel; filling the loopholes in the current law and improving the legislative provisions on detention; improving the supervision mechanism and relief procedures for extended detention; Establishing alternative measures to detention

[Keywords] Countermeasures against the harmful causes of the concept of extended detention


1. Law graduation thesis outline: Definition of extended detention

2. Law graduation thesis outline: The harm of extended detention

(1) Extended detention seriously violates the right of personal freedom of criminal suspects and defendants

(2) Extended detention seriously hinders the realization of fair criminal judicial procedures

(3) Extended detention hinders the efficiency of criminal proceedings and increases litigation costs

(4) Extended detention seriously damages The seriousness of the law

3. Law graduation thesis outline: reasons for extended detention

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Law thesis outline 2

1. Graduation thesis outline topic. It should be able to summarize the most important content of the entire paper, be concise, comprehensive, and eye-catching. It should generally not exceed 20 words.

2. Paper abstract and keywords. The abstract of the thesis should describe the main points of the dissertation. The ghostwritten paper explains the purpose, research methods, results and conclusions of the paper. Keep the basic information of the original paper as much as possible, and highlight the creative achievements and new insights of the paper. It should not be a simple list of chapter titles. The abstract should be about 500 words. Keywords are the most critical words and phrases that can reflect the main idea of ??the paper, usually 3-5.

3. Directory. It is both the outline of the paper and the subtitles of the components of the paper, and the corresponding page numbers should be marked.

4. Introduction (or preface). The content should include the current status of this research field at home and abroad, the problems to be solved by ghostwriting thesis, and the theoretical significance and practical value of this research work in economic construction, scientific and technological progress, and social development.

5. Text. It is the main body of the graduation thesis.

6. Conclusion. The conclusion of the paper should be clear, concise and complete. It should clarify your creative achievements or new insights and its significance in the field.

7. References and notes. List the documents or notes cited in the paper in order of number after the main text of the paper and before the references. Charts or data must indicate the source and source. (When the reference is a journal, the writing format is: [number], author, article title, journal name (can be abbreviated in foreign languages), year, volume number, issue number, page number. When the reference is a book, the writing format is: [number] ], author, book title, publishing unit, year, edition, page number.


8. Appendix. Including excessively lengthy formula derivation in the text, auxiliary mathematical tools needed to write the paper for the convenience of others, repetitive data charts, the meaning of symbols used in the paper, unit abbreviations, the full text of the program and related instructions, etc. ;