What's the market price if you want to listen to Mr. Zhang Hai from the Book Association? Contact channel? Urgent need ~ ~ (2013.5.4)

Zhang Hai, the old man, is the chairman of China Calligraphy Association, and his position in the calligraphy field is not low. A few years ago, when he had nothing, the price of his works was extremely low. On "Zhang", he is willing to sell it for three or four hundred yuan to make a living. I know a friend who was crazy about buying his works and bought a thick stack. His family was almost "terrible". Now he is rich. Appreciation 100 times.

Now, it is difficult for ordinary people and old Zhang Hai to get in touch with him. He is not short of money and can't find a partner. No one can find cheap "guild regulations" in calligraphy. I can only try to find the chairman of your local book association and see if there is any way to spend more money on two books. Don't buy it in an art shop. One is a fake, and the other may not be the real thing.

Now Zhang Hai's handwriting costs 10,000 yuan per square foot. Better find a substitute. Must it be old man Zhang Hai's handwriting? Not necessarily.