Some people name their children Yi, Wang Yi, Li Yi, Sun Yi, Zhao Yi. You can call them whatever you want at home, but you have to pay attention when you go out to meet friends. Pointing at the child, he said to a man in his fifties, "This is Sun Yi. "The other party would have fainted even if she didn't drink too much: Where did such an aunt come from?
Someone took his grandson to the street, and accidentally saw a female colleague named Zhu. He didn't react in time, pulled the grandson over and said: "My name is Zhu Grandma. The grandson is not a fool, so he immediately said: It’s over, Grandma. In fact, the most frequently used Chinese characters are pig, cow, sheep, dog, rabbit, fish, and shrimp. If "worm" has the same pronunciation as your surname, you have to pay attention, especially to the following words. In newspapers, the editor is referred to as "editor". If you encounter someone with the surname Ma Niu Yang, you can't shorten it to "Ma Bian Niu Bian Yang Bian". Respected. The surname is Hu, Hu Bian?
In a busy market, a fish seller shouted: "Fresh fish!" , a bubble gum seller shouted: "Paotang! (soaked in the soup)" The fish seller listened and said to the candy seller: "Hey, why did you say my fish was soaked in the soup?" They became more and more noisy. fierce. At this moment, a bean sprout seller shouted again: "Bean sprouts! (Douya)" A security guard came over and asked: "Who else is quarreling with them?" It happened that an oil fruit seller shouted : "Youguo! (I'm here)" After hearing this, the security guard said: "Okay, let's take the four of you away together!"...