Wang Yan was a famous scholar in the Western Jin Dynasty. At the end of the Western Jin Dynasty, he was highly valued by the imperial court. He is one of the leaders of metaphysics. Yan Wang is not only knowledgeable, but also a charming gentleman in appearance. Although Rebecca, who is handsome and handsome, can't be called Pan An, many girls at that time secretly made promises. At that time, Wang Yan was a gifted scholar and had a good reputation in the Western Jin Dynasty.
Wang Yanceng presented an official document to yang hu, a servant of Shangshu. In front of yang hu, who was well-known at that time, Rebecca was fearless and behaved very appropriately. Because of this, Yang Jun, the consort at that time, wanted Wang Yan to be his son-in-law. However, Wang Yan believes that it is not a gentleman's move to marry the daughter of a consort at that time. In order to escape this marriage, Rebecca pretended to be crazy, pretending to be crazy to escape this marriage.
Later, Wang Yan did not live up to everyone's expectations. He held many official positions and rose step by step. He has served as a prince, a merchant and an assistant minister of Huangmen. But as a great celebrity at that time, Wang Yan had many common problems of literati, such as Wang Yan's love of metaphysics. Even if you are in an official position, you are always just an armchair strategist and have not put forward any specific solutions. I am addicted to metaphysics and don't ask serious questions. On the other hand, Wang Yan is the prime minister of the country. He just wanted to protect his own safety and let himself and his family drag out an ignoble existence in troubled times, and did not put the national crisis in the first place, so Wang Yan was extremely irresponsible as an official at that time.
From a cultural point of view, Wang Yan is indeed a talented person. His work "Lady's Note" still occupies a place in calligraphy art, but as an official, Wang Yan is incompetent, his literati temperament is not suitable for officialdom, and his heart is still focused on small families and does not care about national sufferings.