Dong Xuan, the word Shaoping, is also a person with Liu Chen. ..... after the characteristics of Luoyang. At that time, Princess Huyang was bald and was killed during the day. Because she is hiding in her master's house, officials can't get it. Walk with the Lord, walk with the slaves. Xuan waited for him at Xiamen Pavilion, but stopped to knock on the horse, scratched the ground with a knife, talked about the Lord's fault, scolded the slave for getting off the bus and killed him for love. The Lord will go back to the palace and tell the emperor.
The emperor was furious, and Zhao Gong wanted to kill him. Xuan kowtowed and said, "I would like to beg for a word and die." The emperor said, "What do you want to say?" Xuan said, "How can your majesty rule the world when he is virtuous and kills a good man with slaves? I don't need to commit suicide. " That is, slapping the head and bleeding the quilt cover. The emperor ordered Xiao Huangmen to hold it, so that Xuan kowtowed to thank the Lord, refused to accept it, forced him to stop, declared his hands on the ground and refused to bow down.
The Lord said, "When Uncle Wen was dressed in white, Zang hid himself from death, and the ministers were afraid to come to the door. Now that I am the son of heaven, can't I do it? " The emperor smiled and said, "The son of heaven is different from white." Because: "the strength has been pointed!" Pay 300 thousand. Announce all the officials in the class. Therefore, it is shocking to fight against a powerful country. Shi Jing was named Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. The song says, "Don't hit Dong."
Stayed in the county for five years. In seventy-four, he died in an official position. When the messenger came to see us, he saw clothes covered with corpses, his wife crying and barley counted, so we took a ride. The emperor was injured and said, "Dong Xuan is loyal and honest, and he knows it when he dies." Take Xuanwei as 2,000 stones, give it to Ai Ai, and bury it as a doctor's gift.
Dong Xuan was born in Shao Ping and Chen Liu (now Henan). ..... was later specially recruited as Luoyang county magistrate. At that time, Princess Huyang's slaves killed people during the day, because they were hiding in the princess's house and officials couldn't catch them.
When the princess went out, accompanied by this slave, Dong Xuan waited at the Wanshou Pavilion outside Xiamen, stopped the horses and chariots, fenced the land with a knife, loudly scolded the princess for getting off the bus, and then killed the slave. The princess immediately returned to the palace to complain to Emperor Guangwu.
Guangwudi was so angry that he called Dong Xuan and tried to beat him to death with a whip. Dong Xuan kowtowed: "I hope I can ask a word before I die." Emperor Guangwu said, "What do you want to say?" Dong Xuan said, "Your Majesty, you serve your country with good deeds, but you condone domestic slaves to harm the people. How will you govern the world? I didn't wait for the whip to hit me and asked for suicide. "
Hit the post with your head immediately, and your face was covered with blood. Emperor Guangwu ordered Dong Xuan to kowtow and apologize to the princess, but Dong Xuan refused. (Emperor Guangwu ordered the little eunuch) forced him to kowtow, but Dong Xuan put his head in his hands and refused to bow his head. The princess said, "In the past, when my brother was a citizen, he hid fugitives and death row inmates, and officials were afraid to go home.
Now that he is an emperor, can't majesty be imposed on a county magistrate? Emperor Guangwu smiled and said, "Being an emperor is different from being a common people." Immediately ordered: "Hard neck county order!" Reward 300,000 yuan. Dong Xuan distributed it to his officials. Since then, we have caught and cracked down on those who rely on power to run amok, and no one is not afraid. The capital called it "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". He praised him and said, "Dong Xuan is a man who doesn't complain with drums."
(Dong Xuan) worked as a county magistrate for five years. At the age of 74, he died in his office. (Emperor Guangwu) summoned the emissary to visit, only to see a body covered with cloth. Dong Xuan's wife and son are crying, and there are only a few bundles of barley and a broken car at home.
Emperor Guangwu was very sad and said, "Dong Xuan is very honest. I didn't know until he died." Because Dong Xuan once made 2,000 stones, he was given a green ribbon (with buttons) and was buried according to the doctor's etiquette.
This article comes from The History of the Later Han Dynasty Biography of Corrupt Officials edited by Ye Fan in the Southern Song Dynasty.
Extended data writing background:
The Book of the Later Han Dynasty is based on the history of the East View of the Han Dynasty, with Qiao Hua's book as the main blueprint. Ye Fan absorbed the advantages of other books, deleted the complexity, simplified the story, surpassed many people and came from behind.
Therefore, in the Tang Dynasty, Ye Fan's Book of the Later Han Dynasty replaced the popular Book of the Eastern Han Dynasty. However, except Justin's Book of the Later Han Dynasty, all the books of the Later Han Dynasty have been lost. Therefore, Ye Fan's Book of the Later Han Dynasty became the most basic basis for studying the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty.
In the 22nd year of Yuanjia (445), while completing biographies and biographies, together with Xie Yan, he completed five chronicles, including Li Yuezhi, Yu Fu Zhi, Wu Xing Zhi, Tian Wenzhi and Zhou Junzhi. It is said that he participated in the plot of Liu Yikang to usurp the throne, so he died in prison.
For fear of being implicated, Xie Yan destroyed the manuscript in her hand, so only the biographical part of the Book of the Later Han Dynasty was handed down.
About the author:
Ye Fan (398-445), a native of Yang Shun, Nanyang (now Xichuan County, Henan Province), was an official, historian and writer of the Southern Dynasties, the great-grandson of Wang Fan, general of Anbei in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the grandson of Fan Ning, the son of Fan Tai.
Ye Fan is versatile. Besides being knowledgeable and good at writing, he is also proficient in music and calligraphy. However, Ye Fan is proud and unruly and refuses to please everyone. He plays the pipa very well and can write new songs.
Song Wendi wanted to hear, and hinted again and again. Ye Fan pretended not to know and refused to play this piece for the emperor. Once, Emperor Wendi gave a banquet in honor of the minister and said to him, "I want to sing, please play the piano for me." Ye Fan had to follow orders. As soon as Deng Wendi's music was over, Ye Fan immediately stopped playing and refused to play another piece.
Ye Fan was sincere to his colleagues, although he didn't cater to the emperor. At that time, Shen was a right-back general, and (General Zuo Wei) was forbidden to travel. They kept it a secret. Every time he appeared before the emperor, if Fan Ye arrived first, he would wait for the arrival of Shen Yan, but Shen Yan never got used to waiting for Ye Fan when he entered the DPRK.
Ye Fan, who is not mysterious, wrote Lotus Fragrance Square to mock them. According to the characteristics of colleagues, Ye Fan compared Yu Bing to musk, Shen Yan to jujube paste and so on, while Ye Fan used "Shen Yihe" as a metaphor. After the publication of Lotus Fragrance Square, Ye Fan was even more difficult for his colleagues to accept.