Yuan Wenzong Timur, born in 1304, is the second son of Yuan Wuzong. His mother is the queen of literature. During the reign of his brother, he was exiled to Hainan and other places. In the first year of Hezhi, the emperor died. Timur originally wanted Zhou Wang and Xuan Shi to be emperors, but he finally chose Timur. In the first year of AD, Tusmore ascended the throne.
Although he ascended the throne, Timur still wanted to support his younger brother and Xuan Shi. So the two sides launched a long struggle. Although Xuan Shi has the support of Yan Tiemu, he is too ostentatious and has no self-knowledge. He wanted the throne, but he had no military power, but he openly deposed the officials appointed by Tusmore. What Xuan Shi did made Timur unbearable. However, due to the situation, the Zen position was given to him. After they met happily, they died of sudden illness in less than five days. Since then, Tu Timur's position has stabilized.
The Yuan Dynasty was ruled by Mongols, so the reigning emperors were all Mongols, which led to their low literary literacy. Emperor Timur of Yuan Wenzong was one of the Yuan emperors with the highest cultural accomplishment in the late Han Dynasty. His calligraphy and painting are quite famous. Later, the Yuan Dynasty was in chaos, and he fled everywhere. It was not until Mingzong died that he ascended the throne again. After that, he wants to rule the world. But in fact, because the prime minister dominated state affairs, the country was very corrupt during the reign of Wenzong.
The story of Yuan Wenzong.
During the reign of Yuan Wenzong, under the control of Prime Minister Yentmore, the government was corrupt and the people were miserable, so it can be said that there was no political achievement. But in terms of culture, Yuan Wenzong played a great role in promoting the literature of the Yuan Dynasty. You can learn from the story of Yuan Wenzong.
The Yuan Dynasty was established after the Mongolian minority invaded the Song Dynasty, so it was relatively exclusive to the Han people and their culture. This led to the Yuan Dynasty's less contribution to Chinese civilization. Yuan Wenzong was one of the Yuan emperors with the highest cultural accomplishment of the Han nationality. He likes Chinese studies very much. As far as cultural development is concerned, Yuan Wenzong is one of the most accomplished emperors in the Yuan Dynasty.
During Yuan Wenzong's reign, he advocated China culture. He built Zhang Kuiting and compiled the Shi Jing Grand Ceremony, a cultural classic of the Yuan Dynasty, which won the hearts of a large number of Han people. He himself is also very admired for the culture of the Han Dynasty. Yuan Wenzong's calligraphy level is very high, and his calligraphy has the style of Emperor Taizong. He can also draw, and his works are ingenious in structure and delicate in mind. Among many stories of Yuan Wenzong, there is one.
Yuan Wenzong loves China culture, so only piano, chess, calligraphy and painting can't be used in China culture. He came hand in hand with three other people. Among these Han cultures, his favorite is Go. Because of his hobby, during his reign, there were many people who could play chess in the palace of the Yuan Dynasty. Yuan Bochang of the Yuan Dynasty also wrote a poem "Gong E Chess Map" to describe the grand occasion at that time. Once, Yuan Wenzong played chess with his minister Yu Ji. He asked his ancestor Yu Yuan if he thought the emperor should not play chess. Yu Ji cleverly replied that the game principle of Go is the same as the principle of governing the country. If you do well, then this country can be governed well, which makes Yuan Wenzong very happy.
Queen Yuan Wenzong
Yuan Wenzong was an emperor with high cultural accomplishment in the Han family in Yuan Dynasty, which had a great influence on the cultural inheritance in Yuan Dynasty. As an emperor, his queen will naturally get everyone's attention. So who is Queen Yuan Wenzong? What about her family history?
Queen Yuan Wenzong's name is Hongji Blardat Li Si, which means "Buddha's good luck" in Sanskrit. She is a member of Hongjila tribe, and her father is King Xumaru of Kebra. And her mother is a princess of Lu, so she is an aunt by seniority. But apart from the Han nationality, the in-laws of many foreigners in ancient times were very chaotic.
Bu Shili married Yuan Wenzong very early. After Yuan Wenzong ascended the throne, she was made queen. Later, when Yuan Wenzong's Zen position was ceded to Yuan Mingzong, her status was also reduced to Crown Princess. It was not until Yuan Mingzong fell ill that she became queen again. Buda Shili, who became the queen, cooperated with eunuchs and burned the queen Mingzong.
In the third year, Li died and was honored as the Queen Mother. But she was afraid that what she did when she was young would be punished. Especially after they made their eldest son a prince, his eldest son died in less than a month. Bu Shili was so scared that he didn't want his son to be emperor. Later, she discussed with the Prime Minister that Yuan Mingzong's eldest son should inherit him. But Yan Tiemu established the second emperor of Ming Yingzong.
As a result, the child died within two months. In order to control state affairs, Yan Timur was about to make this irrelevant child emperor, but he was rejected. Finally, Huiyuan was allowed to be in office until Yan Timur died.
Buda Reese, Queen of Yuan Wenzong, died in exile because of the interference of powerful ministers.