"Long hair and good luck" is a sentence for moving a new house and should be given to those who move. It means that since heaven or God created the universe and created the silver heaven and earth; Chang Sen's thought is auspicious, and he has developed into a lucky and auspicious expectation for a long time. "When dealing with the country, we should pay attention to morality and receive each other with grand and decent etiquette.
In this way, nearby countries will be friendly and friendly, while distant countries will start to rely on them. "A room full of orchids, people are like pines and cypresses." The last sentence says that orchids are kept at home, and the seasons are like spring; The next sentence is a blessing, which can be used to celebrate your birthday.
The phrase "opening wide and closing wide" is a common auspicious phrase for moving to a new house. These four characters were written by Dong Qichang, a famous calligrapher and a senior official of the Ministry of Rites in the Ming Dynasty, with delicate and elegant handwriting.
Jin Renhe Sauce Garden was founded in Daoguang period of Qing Dynasty. Although nearly 200 years have passed, the handwriting is still very clear, and even the word "400" on the signature seal is legible. This "long hair and good fortune" handwriting makes people feel the vicissitudes of life.
According to the relevant information of the query, "being late is lucky" comes from long hair. It means that future generations will inherit their ancestral businesses and develop their careers, and it also means that future generations will prosper. There are often auspicious and developed things arrival. Later, it was used as an auspicious word for a well-developed career.