One day, Confucius was standing in the yard, and his son Kong Li was walking briskly with his head down. Confucius stopped him and asked, "Have you ever studied poetry?" Kong Li replied, "No". Confucius said, "If you don't learn poetry, how can you speak?" Kong Li went back to study poetry. The next day, Kong Li met Confucius standing in the yard again. Confucius asked, "Have you learned etiquette?" Kong Li replied, "No."
Confucius said, "If you don't learn manners, how can you be a man?" So Kong Li went back to practice the ceremony. This story is called "Xunting". Later, the ancients called it "Xunting" when the father reprimanded his son.
2, the filial piety of the husband, the beginning of the matter, the middle of the matter, and the end; Leave a name for parents in later generations, who is the greatest filial piety.
Sima Tan believes that since the death of Confucius 400 years ago, the princes merged and the historical records were cut off, but today's domestic reunification has many deeds, such as sagacity, loyalty, loyalty and so on. However, as a Taishiling, he can't do his writing duty, so he is very uneasy. So when he died, he cried and told his son Sima Qian, hoping that he would inherit his father's footsteps and not forget to write history books.
Sima Qian lived up to his father's orders and finally wrote the Historical Records, which was praised as "a historian's swan song, leaving Sao without rhyme".
3, the gentleman's trip, quiet to cultivate one's morality, to cultivate one's morality. Not cold, not awake, not quiet, not far away. Fu Xue, want to be quiet; Just, you have to learn. If you don't learn, you can't be versatile, and if you don't want to learn, you can't succeed. You can't study hard if you are slow, and you can't be rational if you are in danger.
This is a letter that Zhuge Liang wrote to his eight-year-old son in his later years. In this letter, Zhuge Liang asked his son to study hard, be inspirational and work hard on his indifferent and quiet cultivation. Don't be impetuous and behave absurdly.
At the end of the article, he inculcated: "Young people who don't work hard are sad." Zhuge Liang worked hard day and night for Shu Han and had no time to take care of his son's education, so he wrote this letter to warn his son.
4, jade is not cut, not a weapon; People don't learn or know. However, jade is one thing, and Changde is constant. Although it is not a tool, it still does no harm to jade. Human nature, because things will move, if you don't learn, you will be a villain, not a gentleman, but don't think about it.
Ouyang Xiu advised future generations to study hard and improve their self-cultivation. Warning to future generations: if people want to make a difference, they must be honed first. People's habits are most easily influenced by the external material environment. If you can't temper yourself from time to time and improve your knowledge and moral connotation, you will abandon the gentleman and become a villain.
5, a gentleman does not give his relatives, and does not make ministers complain. Therefore, there is no Dali in the old age, don't abandon it, don't prepare one person. A gentleman is as strong as an ox and does not argue with the ox; Walk like a horse, don't compete with it; Wisdom is like a scholar, don't compete with a scholar for wisdom.
Respect those who are broad-minded and respectful; Those who are rich in land and keep risks are safe; Respecting the position of Lu, keeping its humble, is also expensive; The people are strong and the soldiers are strong, and they are not afraid of danger and win every battle; Smart and wise, those who keep fools will benefit from it; Write more blog posts and keep them simple and broad.
A moral person will not ignore his relatives or make ministers complain that they have not been appointed. I didn't make any serious mistakes in my later years, so I can't abandon them and blame others. A man of virtue, even if he is as strong as an ox, will not compete with the ox, and even if he flies like a horse, he will not compete with the horse for running speed; Even if wisdom is like a scholar, it will not compete with a scholar for wisdom.
A man of great virtue will be honored if he treats himself with humility. The land is vast and rich. If you live frugally, you will always be safe. If you are respected by senior officials and obey discipline in a humble way, you will be more distinguished; If you are outnumbered and persist in fear, you will surely win; If you are smart and foolish, you will benefit a lot; Learning more and memorizing more will make you more knowledgeable, but with superficial modesty.