(Liu) Gong Quan, twelve years old, Ci Fu. Yuan Hechu, Zhuo Jinshi. Mu Zong said, "I tasted your handwriting in the Buddhist temple and thought about it for a long time." When asked about the power to use brushwork, he said, "The heart is right and the pen is right." Being an emperor is bleak, so public power is in his hands. The emperor changed his face and realized that he was going to use a pen to remonstrate. Fortunately, from the Weiyang Palace, the emperor was stationed in the chariot and said, "I have a good time. I have been sending clothes for a long time, and I sent them in mid-spring. " Public power is celebrated in dozens of words. The emperor said, "When you congratulate me, you should use poetry." Imperial secretary forced, written by public power, graceful and beautiful. I often go to the toilet hall with six bachelors. The emperor said that Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty was diligent and thrifty. Because of this, he said, "This is Sanhuan!" Congratulations on your bachelor's degree. When the emperor asked him, he said to him, "Your master should accept admonition, and reward and punishment should be clear. It's not good for Taoist priests to wear Huan Zhuo's clothes. " On different days, Zhou Yong and I stood on the same side. I was afraid of things. I didn't deprive public rights and interests. Emperor Xu said, "Your majesty has an official style, so you can condescend to advise the doctor." Three years later, I became the Assistant Minister of Industry. Said its gains and losses: "Guo Lian led Ning, which made people doubt it." The emperor said, "Well, I respect my father's obedience to my son, and I am the father of Empress Ji, and my official position is impeccable. Why bother? " Answer: "I sincerely honor the elderly, but people say it is a question of whether to give it to my two daughters." Do you believe it? " The emperor said, "If a woman joins the Queen Mother herself, why not give it?" The public authorities said, "Suspicions cannot be known to each other." That day, the emperor beat the official and sent his daughter home from the south. There are many kinds of loyalty and interests. His calligraphy is vigorous, charming and unique. Wenzong tasted couplets, and the emperor said, "Everyone is bitter and hot, and I love long summer days." The princess said, "The wind is coming from the south, and the temple is slightly cold." His bachelor's degree is also a successor. The emperor ridiculed the public power alone, thinking that the romance was full and advocated it on the temple wall. The word rate is five inches. The emperor sighed, "The clock is not worthy of the king!" At that time, the epitaph of the minister's family was not written by him, and people regarded their children as unfilial. Any public official who writes a suicide note, covers a huge sum of money, and hides slaves or embezzles them. After tasting a cup jar, I realized that all the utensils were dead. The slave pretended to laugh and said, "The silver cup has feathers!" " Never again.