Wang Yangming, also known as Wang Shouren, was a scholar in the 12th year of Hongzhi. He has served as the minister of punishments, the official of Longchang, Guizhou, the magistrate of Luling, the consultant of Youjidu, the governor of Gannan and the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. In his later years, he worked as an official in Nanjing Ministry of War and served as a consultant in Douchayuan. He was awarded the title of Jianxin Bo for his exploits such as putting down the Chen Hao rebellion, and was posthumously awarded the title of Marquis of Qin Long.
Wang Shouren was a great thinker in the Ming Dynasty. The basic course of the development of Mind in Ming Dynasty can be summarized as follows: Chen Xianzhang started, Zhan Ruoshui perfected, and Wang Yangming epitomized. The direct source of Wang Shouren's Wang Xue's theory and thought is Chen Zhan's Chen Xianzhang's mind and Zhan Ruoshui's mind, and Yangming's mind is consistent with Chen Xianzhang's mind, which has been recognized by academic circles.
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Judging from Wang Shouren's life experience, he was obviously influenced by Taoism more than Buddhism, but he could not do without the essence of Confucianism. Wang Shouren inherited Lu Jiuyuan's thought that "mind is reason" and opposed Cheng Yi.
Zhu pursues the method of understanding truth through things and things. Because things are infinite, things are boring, so he advocates "to conscience" and looks for reasons from his own heart, and all this is in people's hearts. Physical chemistry breeds everything in the universe, and people are delicate.
So the human heart grasps its essence. In the relationship between knowledge and behavior, it is emphasized that knowledge is more important than behavior, and there is behavior in knowledge and knowledge in behavior. The so-called unity of knowledge and action is inseparable from each other. Knowledge must be manifested in behavior, if not, it can't be regarded as real knowledge. Yangming school is one of the mainstream theories in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, which later spread in Japan and had great influence on Japan and East Asia.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Wang Yangming