Three idioms and allusions come into view

The correct idiom for scoring three points is scoring three points, and the allusions are as follows:

Legend has it that once, the emperor went to the northern suburbs to offer sacrifices, and asked Wang Xizhi to write the words of sacrifice on a board, and then sent someone to carve them. When carving, the sculptor was surprised to find that Wang Xizhi's calligraphy ink had been printed on the board. The sculptor cut into three points to see the end, and could not help but marvel at Wang Xizhi's heroic brushwork.

Wang Xizhi's pen power can reach this level, certainly not out of thin air, nor by talent alone. It is necessary to practice hard every day. This is also the case. According to historical records, Wang Xizhi attached great importance to practice and never stopped every day. Even when resting and walking, he is thinking about writing, which shows the depth of his efforts.

Idiom implication

Therefore, when we envy the achievements of celebrities, we need to pay more attention to the road he has traveled, the efforts and hardships he has made. Although it is possible that we have learned from Wang Xizhi's diligence and dedication, we still can't reach his height, but compared with our previous selves, we will make great progress. I can also benefit a lot from this kind of study, and I can learn a lot to help myself improve.

Actually, it's not just calligraphy. If you want to do this in articles or opinions, you also need diligence and hard work. It is essential to think more, summarize more and accumulate more. In addition, we should always urge ourselves. Only in this way can we keep moving forward, otherwise we will give up halfway.

Please refer to Wen Rui for the above contents. Get to the point.