It means to receive the instruction of the master outside and follow the instruction of the parents at home. Treat your aunts, uncles, uncles and other elders as if they were your own children.
From the Thousand Character Essay
Author: Zhou Xingsi
The sky and the earth are dark and yellow, and the universe is primitive. The sun and moon are full, and the stars and constellations are arranged. Cold comes and summer comes, autumn harvests and winter hides. When the leap year is over, the law Lu adjusts the Yang. The clouds turn into rain, and the dew condenses into frost. Gold comes from Lishui, and jade comes from Kungang. The sword is called Juque, and the pearl is called Luminous. The fruit is precious, plum, and the vegetable is heavy on mustard and ginger. The sea is salty and the river is light, and the scales are hidden and the feathers are flying. The dragon master, the fire emperor, the bird official and the human emperor. When writing was first made, it was to wear clothes. There were Yu Tao and Tang Dynasties who pushed forward the throne and gave way to the country. To punish the people and punish their crimes, Zhou issued Yin Tang. He sat down and asked, bowing his head to the ground. He loves and educates Li Shou, and his ministers serve the Rong and Qiang.
Far and near are one, and the guests return to the king. The phoenix sings in the bamboo, and the white horse eats. Transformed into vegetation, it reaches all directions. Covering this body and hair are the four elements and five constant elements. Gong Wei Ju Yang, how dare you damage it. Women admire chastity, and men admire virtue. If you know your mistakes, you must correct them, and if you are able, never forget them. Don't talk about each other's shortcomings, but rely on your own strengths. The messenger can be overturned, but the desire of the weapon is difficult to measure. The ink dyes the silk with sorrow, and the poem praises the lamb. Jingxing is a virtuous person, and Ke Nian is a saint. Virtue builds a reputation, and the form is upright. Sound can be heard in an empty valley, and people can listen to it in an empty hall. Misfortunes are caused by evil accumulation, and blessings are caused by good things. A ruler and a jade are not treasures, but an inch of yin is a jade.
Zi Fu serves the king with strictness and respect. To be filial is to do your best, to be loyal is to do your best. When you are in a deep place, you are on thin ground, and you are warm and warm. It's as fresh as a orchid and as prosperous as a pine tree. The stream flows endlessly and is reflected in the clear water. Look calm and thoughtful, speak calmly. Sincerity is beautiful at the beginning, caution is appropriate in the end. The foundation of a prosperous career has no end. He studied well and became an official, and became a regent and engaged in politics. Keep it as Gantang, go and chant it again. Music differentiates between high and low, etiquette differentiates between high and low. There is harmony above and below, and the husband sings and the wife follows. After being trained by Fu outside, he entered the ceremony of worshiping his mother. All the aunts and uncles are like sons and daughters. Brothers Kong Huai are like brothers.
Translation: The sky is blue-black, the earth is yellow, and the universe was formed in a state of chaos and ignorance. The sun is upright and tilted, the moon is full and waning, and the stars are all over the boundless space. The cycle of cold and heat changes, coming and going, going and coming again; harvesting crops in autumn and storing food in winter. The accumulated leap years are combined into one month and placed in the leap year; the ancients used Liulu and Liulu to regulate yin and yang. When the clouds rise and become cold, they form rain; when the dew at night becomes cold, they condense into frost.
Gold is produced in the Jinsha River, and jade is produced in the Kunlun Mountains. The sharpest sword is called "Juque", and the most precious pearl is called "Yeguang". The most precious fruits are plums and seeds, and the most important vegetables are mustard greens and ginger. The sea water is salty, the river water is fresh, fish swim in the water, and birds fly in the sky. The Dragon Master, the Fire Emperor, the Bird Official, and the Human Emperor were all imperial officials in ancient times. Cangjie (jié) created writing, and Lei (léi) made clothes.
Tang Yao and Yu Shun were wise and selfless, and took the initiative to abdicate their thrones to meritorious officials. To pacify the people and defeat the tyrants, it was King Wu of Zhou, Ji Fa, and King of Shang, Cheng Tang. A wise monarch sits in the court and asks ministers about the way to govern the country. With his clothes hanging down and his hands in hand, he can bring peace to the world without any effort and achieve outstanding achievements. They caressed and sympathized with the common people, and made people of all ethnic groups bow their heads. The whole world was unified into a whole, and all the people submitted to his rule obediently.
The phoenix chirped happily in the bamboo forest, and the little white horse ate grass freely on the pasture. The benevolent rule of the sage and virtuous king has benefited every plant and tree, and its blessings have spread to all the people in the world. The human body, hair and skin belong to the "Four Elements", and every word and action must conform to the "Five Constants". I sincerely think about the kindness of my parents in raising me, how dare I destroy it.
Extended information:
The Thousand-Character Essay is the second rhyme of Zhou Xingsi, the official of Nanliang Imperial College. Zhou Xingsi, courtesy name Si Zuan, was born in Xiang County, Chen County. Wang Xizhi's thousand-character calligraphy was used as a text, and Xing Sici's rhyme was used as a text. He played it, praised him for his good deeds, and gave him gold and silk.
During the period of Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty in the Southern Dynasties (502-549), Zhou Xingsi, the minister of Sanqi, was ordered by the emperor to select 1,000 characters from Wang Xizhi's calligraphy and compile it into a text called "Thousand Character Essay". The 1,000 words in the article were not allowed to be repeated, but when Zhou Xingsi compiled the article, he repeated the word "jie" (jie and 絜 are synonyms). Therefore, "Thousand Character Classic" actually only uses 999 characters.
Reference materials Baidu Encyclopedia-Thousand-Character Essay