What methods should we pay attention to in calligraphy?
Xiangmu: Books have three precepts; The distribution of novices, uneven knowledge of rules, inactivity and stagnation; Finally, you can master, abstain from madness and customs. Wang Xizhi: The situation of Chinese characters should not be wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, so it is disproportionate to emphasize light. Divide the room into white cloth, the distance should be even, the upper and lower positions should be appropriate, natural and steady. Yan Zhenqing: To write a book, it is necessary to anticipate the font, arrange it smoothly, or have unexpected text to make it unique. It's called being smart. Ou Yangxun: Beginners should first set up a general idea, arrange horizontally and vertically, and make white cloth to ensure uniformity. Wang Xizhi: Divide the room into white cloth with even distance. He Jiang: There are three things in cloth and white; The words are white, the words are white and the lines are white. The distribution of novices must be evenly stopped; Knowing that it stops is even, and seeking for its change is oblique and scattered. Chen Yi: The sparse place is full, and the dense place flies; The flat is full, and the dangerous place flies; You will be fat when you are full, and you will be thin when you fly. Wang Xizhi: draw evenly, pay attention to distance, spread cloth and grind fine, and reconcile pen and ink; Fronts and fibers come and go, and density is attached. Xiangmu: people are handy with books, and there are many things without neutralization. Yue Fei. Just thin. If the book is balanced in length, weight, yin and yang, hardness and softness, the living person is neither fat nor thin. Not too long, not too short, not beautiful. Zhang: Go to the back; It is said that two words are combined into one word, and it is necessary to draw up and down. Wang Xizhi: the two characters are integrated, and the weight should not be long, the single should not be small, the complexity should not be large, the density is better than the sparse, and the short is better than the long. Mrs. Wei: stippling is like a peak falling stone, but it is like a collapse; Horizontal painting is like a thousand miles of clouds, but it is tangible; Vertical paintings are like long live withered vines; Draw a picture like a rhinoceros; Painting is like breaking waves, and the sound is like thunder; Inclined hook is like a hundred bows; Crossfolded crossbow tendons; Every word is as wonderful as its shape, and the book is finished.