Although a soldier, Li Dongyang received a good education from an early age. When I was eight years old, I went to Shuntianfu to study, so I became an official in the official imperial examination. In the sixth year of Shunzhi, he took part in the rural examination of Shuntianfu and successfully advanced. In Shunqi, I took the exam, 185. Shun eight years, to participate in the court examination, second-class scholar first, was elected as an academician of the Academy.
Li Dongyang's early promotion was very difficult, and it can be said that it endured the promotion day by day. Basically, it was promoted after the expiration of the term of office. In the eighth year of Hongzhi, he joined the Wen Yuan Pavilion as the right assistant minister, with a bachelor's degree in etiquette. In the dynasty at that time, he was deeply appreciated by the emperor, who refused to resign many times. After the official to Dr. Tejin Guanglu, left, the prince of surgery, the official minister, and the university student of Huagaidian.
It was not until he was sixty-five years old that Li Dongyang, who was old and sickly, got permission from the emperor to return to China. He died at 69. After his death, he was given a surname, and posthumous title belonged to Zheng Wen.
Zheng Wen is the highest praise that ancient civil servants can get. Ministers who have always been honest and upright are all ministers who have made great contributions to the people of the country, such as Zeng Guofan, Fan Zhongyan and Sima Guang. Many people in later generations don't think highly of Li Dongyang and think that he is not worthy of Zheng Wen and posthumous title. The most important reason is that he faced Liu Jin's authoritarian inaction during Zheng De's rule. At the same time, when Liu Jian and Xie moved the capital to leave, he was the only one who stayed.
Actually, I really don't blame Li Dongyang. Li Dongyang also wants to go. He resigned many times with Liu Jian and Xie Qian, and he never gave up after they left. But the emperor wouldn't let him go, and he couldn't help it. Finally, he had to support himself in court. He once said to the emperor, "I am with three other people, but I am alone." How should I deal with myself? " ? I don't know why.
Xie Qian and Liu Jian left North Korea, leaving Li Dongyang alone in court. Three people joined hands, but Liu Jin was taken away. What's more, Li Dongyang stayed in North Korea alone. Li Dongyang can only choose to save himself and deal with Liu Jin, and at the same time try to save the minister who was destroyed by Liu Jin. Later, Yang Yiqing and Zhang Yong teamed up to get Liu Jin off the horse. If Li Dongyang had spoken for him in his early years, it would have nothing to do with him.
Li Dongyang's achievements are no longer superficial, but in his thoughtful relationship with Liu Jin, everyone knows him and misunderstood him. Yang Yiqing once said to He, a disciple of Li Dongyang, with deep affection, "Welcome to heaven and praise the sun without leaving a trace." . Peng Weixin, a cabinet scholar in the Dragon Period, also said that Li Dongyang's efforts to eradicate rape to ensure the country's prosperity were unknown.
Li Dongyang is a competent minister of state, not what some people think later, but a traitor who covets power and colludes with Liu Jin.
Li Dongyang is a famous divine power in ancient times. At the age of three, I was able to write Dajing calligraphy, and even shocked Emperor Jingtai to personally test it. At the age of six, he was called to talk to Emperor Jingtai about the meaning of history. At the age of eight, he was summoned again and was still talking about the meaning of Shangshu. Later, Emperor Jingtai personally ordered him to attend Shuntian Official School.
When Li Dongyang was summoned by Emperor Jingtai for the first time, he couldn't step over the threshold because of his short legs. Emperor Jingtai blurted out when he saw this: prodigy has short feet. Li Dongyang immediately told him that the son of heaven has the highest family background, and Emperor Jingtai happily held him in his lap. Seeing his father standing again, he went out to look for couplets: Is it polite for children to sit at their father's desk? Li Dongyang was right again: it makes sense for your sister-in-law to drown her uncle to help.
Li Dongyang is a very tolerant person.