Etiquette: Refers to etiquette. In ancient times, there were five etiquettes. The five rites are: auspicious rites for sacrifices, unlucky rites for funerals, military rites for military affairs, guest rites for guests, and honorable rites for weddings.
The six arts in ancient times refer to: etiquette, music, archery, charioteering, calligraphy, and numeracy.
The aristocratic education system of the Zhou Dynasty in China began in the Zhou Dynasty in 1046 BC. The official school of the Zhou king required students to master six basic talents: etiquette, music, archery, imperialism, calligraphy, and mathematics. From "Zhou Li·Bao Shi": "To raise a country's sons with the Tao is to teach six skills: the first is called Five Rituals, the second is called Six Music, the third is called Five Shooting, the fourth is called Five Controls, the fifth is called Six Books, and the sixth is called Nine Numbers. ” This is the so-called “Six Arts” that “comprehends the Five Classics and the Six Arts”. Extended information
1. Etiquette: Etiquette. Five etiquette: auspicious etiquette, unlucky etiquette, military etiquette, guest etiquette, and honorable etiquette.
2. Music: It is the six kinds of music. Six music: refers to the six music and dance sets of "Yunmen Dajuan", "Xianchi", "Dashao", "Daxia", "Dayi" and "Dawu". The earliest ceremonial music and dance in ancient times is "Yunmen Dajuan".
3. Archery: Five archery techniques of military archery: Bai Ya, Shen Lian, Yan Zhu, Xiang Chi, and Jing Yi. White arrow, the arrow pierces the target and the arrowhead turns white, indicating that the arrow is accurate and powerful; Shenlian, one arrow is fired in front, and the three arrows in the back are sent out continuously, the arrows belong to each other, like a chain of beads; Yanzhu, refers to the speed of arrow movement ; Xiangchi, the minister and the king shoot, the minister and the king stand side by side, allowing the king to retreat by one foot; Jingyi, the four arrows are coherent and all hit the target.
4. Yu: The technique of driving chariots and chariots. Five Yus: Ming Heluan, Chasing Water Song, Guojun Biao, Wujiaoqu, Chasing Birds Left.
5. Calligraphy: calligraphy (writing, literacy, writing) Six books (Zhou Li did not explain it, but it may be the guess of later generations): pictogram, referring to things, understanding, pictophonetic, transferred annotation, and borrowed. (Note: Annotation and borrowing are methods of literacy, while pictograms, meanings, meanings, and pictographs are methods of character creation, of which pictophonetic characters account for about 90%.)
6. Numbers: Numbers are also It is called arithmetic, which is a technique of calculation and mathematics. There are nine chapters on arithmetic.
Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia-Six Arts